- The breaking strength of cotton fabric will drop evidently both in warp and weft after anti crease finishing. 全棉织物经免烫整理后,其经纬向断裂强力明显下降。
- A finely woven white linen or cotton fabric. 细麻布精致纺出的白色的麻布或棉纺织物
- The result shows:The anti crease property of pure linen fabric treated with this product has been improved evidently. 结果表明,整理后的亚麻织物抗皱性能得到明显改善。
- A crisp, sheer cotton fabric used for curtains or light garments. 细薄布一种挺括、极薄的棉织物,用来做窗帘或轻便的服装
- A printed and glazed cotton fabric, usually of bright colors. 摩擦轧光印花棉布一种通常为鲜亮颜色的轧光印花棉织物
- A thin sheer linen or cotton fabric, plain or printed. Pre-shrunk, crisp and crease resistant. 一种很轻很薄的衬里或棉织物,平滑或印花。它的特点是经过了预先收缩,易碎,抗褶皱。
- A durable, often striped cotton fabric used in making clothing. 条纹布一种用于制衣而用的条纹棉布
- With MA and CA as reactants, synthesis and application of formaldehyde-free anti crease finish for linen are studied. 以MA和ca为反应物,研究亚麻无醛防皱整理剂的合成及其应用。
- A knitted, unbleached cotton fabric for underwear. 巴尔布里根针织物一种做内衣用的未漂白的棉针织品
- The test result for physical performance of finished cotton shows that the crease resistant of cotton fabric has been improved . 对整理后棉织物理性能进行测试,结果表明,整理后的棉织物折皱恢复角提高。
- A knitted,unbleached cotton fabric for underwear. 巴尔布里根针织物一种做内衣用的未漂白的棉针织品
- Oxford is a rather soft and porous cotton fabric. 牛浸布是一种颇为柔软,多孔的棉织物。
- The cotton fabric used for such loincloths. 薄棉布用来制作这种腰带的棉纤维
- Her mother laborious sews the cotton fabric. 她的母亲辛辛苦苦的缝制棉织品。
- Sell cotton fabric (leno,twill,ect. 卖棉织物(纱罗、斜纹、痉挛).
- Batiste is a cotton fabric with a fine weave. 薄织的麻布是细密地编织成的棉织布。
- Synthetic fabric is inferior to cotton fabric. 合成纤维织物不如棉织品好。
- Enclosed please find an invoice for 100 bale of cotton fabric. 随函附上棉布100包发货票一份。
- A closely woven cotton fabric used for sheets and clothing. 高级密纹棉布一种织的很细密的棉布纤维,常用于做床单或衣服