- left anterior oblique projection 左前斜位投照
- anterior oblique projection 前斜位投照
- Employing the oblique projection shifting method,we have solved some graphic problem in descriptive geometry. 介绍了投影变换中的斜投射法及其在解决工程图学一些问题中的应用。
- Results The aneurysms of 12 patiens was dis played distinctly with routine antero-posterior projection and lateral projectio n alone,or in combination with oblique projection or RDSA. 结果在进行DSA颅内动脉瘤血管造影时,常规应用正侧位进行显示,显示不清时加做斜位DSA或RDSA造影,12例颅内动脉瘤均能清晰显示。
- right anterior oblique equivalent view 右前斜位等面积观
- left posterior oblique projection 左后斜位投照
- right posterior oblique projection 右后斜位投照
- The model includes three data matrices labeled as "the past", "the present", and "the future" to reformulate the convolutive mixing model into a static model via oblique projections. 为实现卷积混合信号的盲分离,提出了一种基于斜投影的子空间方法,首先设计"过去"、"现在"和"未来"的观测数据空间,并通过斜投影将卷积混合转化成为线性瞬时混合;然后采用静态分离算法重构源信号。
- The Estimate of Convergence Rate for the Oblique Projection Method 斜投影方法收敛速度的估计
- To Solve Drawing Geometric Graph Problems With Oblique Projection 用斜投影解决画法几何图解问题
- This story is about people anterior to the flood. 这个故事是关于洪水时期以前的人们的。
- He drew an oblique line on paper. 他在纸上划了一条斜线。
- Situated anterior to the frontal bone. 前额骨的位于额骨前部的
- Design of two anterior oblique fields for upper esophageal carcinoma by sliding window intensity modulated radiotherapy 滑窗式调强技术设计上段食管癌两前斜野放射治疗
- If everyone does his part, the project will surely be a success. 如果大家都尽责,这个项目肯定会成功。
- She made an oblique reference to her own affairs. 她转弯抹角地提起她自身的事。
- He ventured on an ambitious project. 他冒险从事一项富有雄心的计画。
- The research project was only a partial success. 那个研究课题只取得部分成功。
- A new project is in contemplation. 一项新的工程正在规划中。
- We've already finished the work anterior to the schedule. 我们已经提前完成了工作。