- It is associated with a high rate of premature delivery, meconium stained amniotic fluid, antepartum fetal death, and fetal anoxia and stillbirth. 主要可引起早产、羊水胎粪污染、死胎及产时胎儿窘迫、死产,其病因及发病机制至今不清。
- antepartum fetal death 产前胎儿死亡
- Cases of fetal death have also been reported. 有关胎儿死亡的案例已经报道过。
- B. Antepartum fetal surveillance can include the nonstress test (NST), BPP, oxytocin challenge test (OCT), or modified BPP. 产前胎儿监护包括无应激试验(NST),生物物理评分,催产素应激试验(OCT),或改良的生物物理评分。
- The rate of Prgnancy-induced hypertension syndrome,polyhydramnios,dystocia,fetal death,stillbirth,fetal macrosomia increased owing GDM. 糖尿病对妊娠的影响可使妊高征、羊水过多、难产、死胎、死产、巨大儿等发生率增加.
- The perinatal morbidity was 3.01%,the fetal death was 35.75%,the stillbirth was 26.09%,the neonatal death was 38.16%. 围产儿病死率为3.;09%25;死胎、死产、新生儿死亡构成分别为35
- In comparation with the contrast group,there were significant differences except for fetal death and stillbirth. 与对照组比较,除死胎、死产外,差异有显著性。
- The related factors were religious belief, the kind of fetal death, and children count. 相关因素为:宗教信仰、胎儿死亡种类、目前有无子女。
- Antepartum fetal heart monitoring 产前胎心监护
- antepartum fetal heart rate testing 产前胎儿心率检测
- Severe complications such as miscarriage, fetal death, placental abruption or intrauterine infection were not found after the operation. 穿刺术后未出现流产、胎死宫内、胎盘早剥、宫内感染等严重并发症。
- The morbidity of PIH, premature labor, asphyxia of newborn and fetal death in group B was signifiant higher than that in group A. 组妊娠高血压疾病、早产发生率和新生儿窒息率、死胎发生率均显著高于A组。
- Fetal death occurred in 1 cases, 2 were stillbirth, and 1 case was neonatal death. The perinatal mortality rate was 43. 8%. 死胎1例;死产2例;新生儿死亡4例;新生儿存活率占69.;2%25;围产儿死亡率为43
- Treponema pallidum in pregnant women could pass through the placenta and cause abortion, fetal death, premature birth, and congenital syphilis. 梅毒螺旋体能通过胎盘引起胎儿宫内感染,造成流产、死产、早产或分娩胎传梅毒儿。
- Methods: We compared the degree of retinopathy with the degree of gestosis, the degree of hypertension, and the fetal death rate respectively. 方法:比较妊高征的严重程度与视网膜病变程度的关系,和高血压与视网膜病变的关系,以及胎婴死亡率与视网膜病变严重程度的关系。
- The scientists reported earlier that daily multivitamins were a low cost way to reduce fetal death in pregnant women infected with HIV. 科学家早些曾报道每日服用维生素是一种减少感染HIV的孕妇胎儿死亡的低成本办法。
- The incidence of fetal distress,asphyxia of newborn infants, birth injury,fetal death and stillbirth were significantly lower in cesarean sectio. 3种方式对比择期剖宫产者发生新生儿窒息、产伤、死胎、死产者相对较少,但发生产后出血及产褥感染者相对较多。
- Results:All fetal death of ICP occurred during t he third trimester of pregnancy(92.9% case s occurred around 37 gestational weeks ). 结果:14例妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症死胎均发生于妊娠晚期;92.;9%25发生于37周左右;且胎死宫内之前无明显胎动减少或胎儿监护异常等征兆;但绝大多数孕妇有规律或不规律宫缩。
- Compared weith normal group, clinical symptoms as DIC, premature delivery, abortion, hard-pressed in womb, fetal death, newborn suffocation, etc. increased significantly (P<0.01). 与正常妊娠组比;肝病组胎膜早破、产后出血、弥散性血管内凝血、早产、流产、胎儿宫内窘迫、死胎、新生儿窒息、新生儿死亡均极显著地增加(P<0.;01)。
- When the serum TBA levels elevated, the incidences of meconium passage and fetal distress would be increased, accompanying with increased premature delivery and fetal death rate. 血清TBA值显著升高者 ,胎儿窘迫发生率显著增加 ,早产、围产儿死亡及小于孕龄儿发生率均显著增加。