- If he thinks I'm going to say yes he's got another think coming! 如果他认为我会说同意的话,那么他就错了!
- You've got another think coming. "你犯了一个错误,再想一次"
- If you think you're better than me you've got another think coming. 如果你认为你比我强,那你就想错了。
- If he thinks iam gonna take this laying down, he has got another think coming. 如果他认为我将忍受它,他注定要倒霉。
- If you think I'm going to work in conditions like this,you (have) got another thought coming,mate! 如果你认为我会在这样的条件下工作,那你就想错了,伙计!
- You had better have another think. 你最好再想一想。
- He should have another think about it. 他应该再想想这件事。
- another think coming 别的主意
- Louis: Wow! That's really cool. OK. I'll have another think and try to come up with something that 'll really please him. 路易士:啊,那真是棒极了,好吧,我再想一想,希望想到一些他真正喜欢的东西。
- Please do not give it another thought. 请不要再去想它了。
- Please don't give it another thought. 再不要想了。
- Please dont give it another thought. 别担心。
- You think you gettin' up in this, you got another think comin', you homo. 你嘴里说得好听, 却心怀鬼胎。你这死同性恋。
- have another thought coming 搞错;弄错
- The thought came to assail me: Maybe not. 这个想法使我困扰:他们也许不会停下来。
- Another thought struck her-suppose she wanted to marry again. 她触起另外一个思想来了--假如她愿意再同人家结婚呢?
- Virgo:That place is abominably dirty!Kui you think come out!In the coffee shop of the south suburb!Call my younger brother listen to a telephone! 处女座:那个地方脏死了!亏你想得出来!就在南郊的咖啡屋里吧!叫我弟弟听电话!
- Before it could be spoken another thought turned it aside. 还没有来得及讲出口,却让另外一个念头把它岔了开去。
- I couldn't sleep, and so I come along up-street 'bout midnight, a-turning it all over, and when I got to that old shackly brick store by the Temperance Tavern, I backed up agin the wall to have another think. 我睡不着,大约午夜时来到街上,想着这件事,后来走到禁酒的客栈旁那个老砖厂时,我就靠在墙上又在想这桩事情。
- I could not sleep, and so I come along up-street ' bout midnight, a -turning it all over, and when I got to that old shackly brick store by the Temperance Tavern, I backed up agin the wall to have another think. 我睡不着,大约午夜时来到街上,想着这件事,后来走到禁酒的客栈旁那个老砖厂时,我就靠在墙上又在想这桩事情。