- About complex index of refraction. 关于复杂折射。
- Equality of refraction in both eyes. 两眼屈光度相等
- This page provides an overview of refraction. 本页提供折射的概述。
- anomaly of refraction 折射不规则
- Annular pancreas is a rare deelopmental anomaly of the pancreas. 环状胰腺是一种罕见的胰腺发育异常。
- Video 1: Video showing complex anomaly of the baby representing OEIS complex. 视频显示婴儿的联合畸形为OEIS联合症。
- In the soft moonlight of refraction, the issue of crystal sheen. 在柔和的月光的折射下,发出晶莹的光泽。
- The blind-ending bifid ureter is a rare congenital anomaly of urinary system. 盲枝输尿管裂是一种极为少见的泌尿系统的先天异常。
- Malrotation is defined as an anomaly of rotation and fixation of the midgut. 摘要肠迴转不全,是指肠腔在胚胎发育阶段,肠的旋转和固定发生异常。
- The formula of calcuating average coefficient of refraction is inferred. 推导出大气折光平均折射系数的计算公式。
- Furthermore, the heat storage anomaly of December in the SCS can be used as a predictor for the onset of the SCS summer monsoon. 进一步分析还发现,南海12月份热含量异常可以作为南海夏季风爆发的一种预报指标。
- T. Shigi, et al (1996): Anomaly of one stage double-inlet pulse tube refrigerator, ICEC/ICMC 16, Japan, May, 1996. 汤山纯平等(1995),脉管制冷机的制冷性能及制冷温度安定性,第54回1995年度秋季日本低温工学超电导工学学会讲演概要集(日文).
- A mong those factors the anomaly of uncinate process,middle turbinate and nasal se ptum were more important. 钩突、中鼻甲及鼻中隔的解剖结构变异为主要的影响因素。
- The proper interpretation of refraction data may require a higher degree of skill and ingenuity. 对折射资料进行合适的解释,更加需要高度的技巧和机敏。
- Conclusions:Coronal CT scan can clearly show the anomaly of ostiomeatal complex and the extent,locati on of sinusitis. 结论:CT冠状面扫描能清楚地显示窦口-鼻道复合体的解剖变异及慢性副鼻窦炎的部位及程度。
- Patients with congenital anomaly of the inferior vena cava (IVC) usually lack clinical symptoms and signs. 下腔静脉之先天性异常一般缺乏临床症状,多为其他原因受检查而意外发现者。
- The index of refraction of air is 1.0 while the index of refraction of the polycarbonate is 1.55. 光在空气中的折射率为1.;0,在聚碳酸脂中的折射率为1
- Petroleum is in one's mind, Neither in trap of geophysics nor in anomaly of geochemistry. 石油是在人的头脑中,不是在物探圈闭中,也不在化探异常中。
- Its origin is required of refraction or reflection of the light by atmospheric ice crystals. 它是由大气的冰晶对光的折射或反射所产生的。
- Conclusion:Scalp Acupuncture can produce good curative effect by adjusting the anomaly of blood rheol ogy and bood lipid of Apoplexy. 结论头针治疗可以通过调整血液流变性及血脂代谢而达到治疗目的。