- The relation bet ween anomaly and earthquake seems to be an attendant relation between brothers, but not causality between father and son, which is the main cause of false earth quake prediction. 异常与地震是相互伴生的兄弟关系,不是父子间的因果关系,是造成地震虚报的主要原因。
- anomaly and earthquake 异常与地震
- Vertical Seismic Load and Earthquake Resistant Block Building II. 竖向地震力和抗震砌块建筑2。
- The next were pestilence, windstorm, frost hail, hailstorm and earthquake. 其中危害较大的仍是水、旱、蝗灾,其次是瘟疫,风灾、霜雹、地震。
- Don't worry about such improbabilities as floods and earthquakes. 像洪水、 地震这类不大可能发生的事,就不要担心了。
- Interrelated relationship analysis between the geo-magnetic anomaly and earthquakes 马边地磁异常与地震相关性统计分析
- Fires, floods and earthquakes are disasters. 火灾、水灾和地震都是灾难。
- Floods and earthquakes come suddenly. 洪水和地震突然来袭,
- Avoid it as you would avoid rattlesnakes and earthquakes. 避免辩论,就像避开毒蛇和地震一样。
- Finally,the relation between the anomaly and seismogenic structure and stress field is discussed. 文中还对异常与孕震构造和应力场的关系进行了讨论。
- Results:In 70 cases,sinusi tis significantly related to the anomaly and dysgenesis of ostiomeatal complex. 结果:70例慢性副鼻窦炎与窦口-鼻道复合体的发育不良、解剖变异有明显的相关性。
- Hurricanes and earthquakes are violent natural phenomena. 飓风和地震是恶劣的自然现象。
- Objective:To study the affection of anomaly and dysgenesis of ostiomeatal complex on chronic sinusitis. 目的:探讨窦口鼻道复合体发育不良、解剖变异对慢性副鼻窦炎的影响程度。
- The em-embryology of IVC, causes of congenital anomaly and their clinical significance are discussed. 本文并讨论下腔静脉之胚胎演化,先天异常之成因,与其临床意义。
- The El Nino event can introduce global climate anomaly and many kinds of meteoro logical-oceanic disasters. 厄尼诺事件可引起全球气候异常及各种海洋--气象灾害。
- Residual OSAHS after surgery were attributable to obesity, achondroplasia, upper airway structure anomaly and airway dynamic problems. 手术后仍有OSAHS表现的主要原因是肥胖、骨软骨发育不良、上气道解剖结构异常以及维持气道开放的神经肌肉功能异常。
- Peripapillary staphyloma is a rare congenital anomaly and is even rare when it associated with serous retinal detachment. 摘要视乳头周围葡萄肿并发浆液性视网膜剥离,文献上只有一篇报告提及,但却未加以治疗。
- The Pliocene sediments are characterized by larger variations of Ce anomaly and more significant Eu depletion than the Quaternary sediments. 岩芯中上新统沉积物中Ce异常变化大,而Eu亏损相对第四系沉积物更显著。
- The incidences of fetal chromosomal anomaly and selected adverse pregnancy outcomes were correlated to PAPP-A concentration. 选择胎儿染色体异常作回顾件分析异常妊娠结局的发生率与PAPP-A浓度的关系。