- The anomalous magnetic moments (AMM) of both proton and electron are incorporated in this paper. 本文还研究了在强磁场的中子星物质中计入质子与电子的反常磁矩的情况。
- Using the new ?anomalous magnetic Prandtl number? in accretion disks, we study the effect of dissipation on magnetic instability of Keplerian disks. 我们利用吸积盘中新的反常磁普朗特数来研究耗散过程对开普勒盘磁不稳定性的影响.
- In this thesis, we investigate the acoustic instabilities in the inner region of AD using the new anomalous magnetic viscosity. 本文就是要利用这种新的反常磁粘滞来研究薄盘内区的声速不稳定性。
- In chapter three, on the basis of the new anomalous magnetic Prandtl number in accretion disks, we study the effect of dissipation on magnetic instability of Keplerian disks. 第三章在新的反常磁普朗特数的基础上,我们研究了耗散过程对开普勒盘磁不稳定性的影响。
- It turns out, that the anomalous magnetic moment of the nucleon has negligible influence upon the coefficient of the magnetic conversion and the coefficient of the electric conversion induced by the proton transition. 结果指出:核子的反常磁矩对于磁多极内转换系数以及由于质子跃迁导致的电多极内转换系数的影响微不足道。
- Our experimental results show that the anomalous magnetic properties are due to the non-uniform particle size distribution, random surface anisotropy and interparticle interactions in the films. 研究表明;这一奇异的矫顽力特性与液相基底表面铁薄膜中的原子团簇尺寸分布、无序的薄膜表面磁各向异性以及团簇间的磁性相互作用等因素有关.
- Magnetism is a natural phenomenon. 磁力是一种自然现象。
- Magnetism is considered as a molecular phenomenon. 电磁被认为是一种分子运动。
- Dalian is a magnet for tourists. 大连是吸引游客的地方。
- Magnetism produced by electric charge in motion. 电磁性由运动电荷引起的磁性
- He is a man of great personal magnetism. 他是一位富有个性魅力的男子。
- Physicists are still interested in magnetism. 物理学家对磁力仍有兴趣。
- Of no particular type; anomalous. 难以归类的不属于任何一类的; 奇怪的
- This disco is a magnet for young people. 这家迪斯科舞厅经常吸引大批年轻的顾客。
- A magnet attracts both iron and steel. 磁铁吸铁也吸钢。
- Certain metals are attracted to a magnet. 某些金属会受磁石的吸引。
- anomalous magnetism 异常磁化
- Human beings have learned out how to make magnet of cast iron. 人类已经学会如何从生铁制出磁铁。
- The position of Mrs. Cowperwood was most anomalous. 柯帕乌太太的处境最是尴尬。
- Forbidden City is a great magnet for foreign tourists. 紫禁城对外国旅游者来说是个有巨大吸引力的地方。