- animus morandi [法] 意图延时
- An inexplicable animus against intellectuals. 对知识分子的莫名其妙的恶意
- His criticisms are clearly colored by animus. 批判明显带有敌意。
- Your first reaction was with some animus. 你的第一个反应就是略带敌意。
- They are full of animus towords us. 他们对我们怀有敌意。
- Owing to these influences, Morandi fromed his own manner gradually. 本文旨在研究莫兰迪独具个性且耐人寻味的作品风格。
- When you have an animus against a person, you should give it up. 当你对别人怀有敌意时,你应当放弃这种想法。
- Like the anima, the animus too has a positive aspect. 阿尼姆斯也像阿尼玛一样有一个积极的方面。
- Animus: hostile feeling or intentan inexplicable animus against intellectuals. 对知识分子的莫名其妙的恶意。
- The vessels of the insurgents are regarded as pirates either in practice of theory. They have the animus furandi. 叛变船只无论从实质上还是从理论上都被视为海盗船,因为他们有抢掠的意图。
- Second, the difference in color employed by each painter is: Morandi is adept in using grey and pursues variety in the harmony of grey. 而“视像”是指阿列卡是侧重把自己的视觉经验直接地转移到画面的。 第二,两位画家各自所运用色彩的区别是:莫兰迪擅长用灰色,在和谐的灰色中寻找变化。
- It can also be said that his art has ever been of Paul Cezanne, Edvard Munch, Alberto Giacometti, Giorgio Morandi and Mark Rothko. 或者讲,他的艺术经历了塞尚,蒙克,贾科梅地,莫兰迪和罗斯科,这在同一代艺术家中是绝无仅有的。
- The wartime animus of the two nations subsided into mutual distrust when peace finally came. 当和平最终来临时这两个民族间战时的敌意消退为彼此的不信任。
- It can also be said that his art has ever been of Paul Cezanne, Edvard Munch, Alberto Giacometti, Giorgio Morandi and Mark Rothko.This is unique in his contemporaries. 或者讲,他的艺术经历了塞尚,蒙克,贾科梅地,莫兰迪和罗斯科,这在同一代艺术家中是绝无仅有的。
- We can learn many things from Morandi’s manner and his marrow of his art and so on.Morandi’s manner is a point of this thesis.His conception of his art affected his manner. 论文以莫兰迪生活背景和社会环境为基础,从绘画题材的选择问题入手,引申出莫兰迪的绘画创作观念,并分析意大利传统绘画以及与莫兰迪同时代画家、画派对其作品风格形成的影响。
- It is popular with the public because art combined with technology is its animus and the simplicity of conformation is its principle. 现代主义设计以艺术与技术相结合为宗旨,造型简洁为原则而深入人心。
- But he was not a representative figure in the Scuola Metafisica.At that time, Morandi’s works are different from other artists of the Scuola Metafisica. 但很快莫兰迪便脱离了这样的创作状态转而继续发展自己的个人创作道路,并逐渐形成其自己独特的作品风格。
- Though David defeated me in the election I bear no animus toward him; we are good friends. 虽然大卫在选举中击败我,我对他不存丝豪恶意,我们是好朋友。
- These works are all different, but from them, we can find out Morandi’s unique artistic characteristics.At his age of 17, Morandi attended Bologna Academy of Fineart. 莫兰迪17岁进入美术学院学习绘画,后受到塞尚和早期立体主义者的影响,尤其是塞尚对他的影响在其后期的创作中体现得尤为突出。
- In the center is the animus, the It, the life force, holding all to their appropriate whirling stations. 在其中心,是意向,是本原,是生命力,一心把持住它们特定的旋转姿态。