- Tamori san: I cannot think of any famous Japanese CG animation works. 我不考虑日本著名的CG动画作品。
- Post and view finished animation work including short films, commercials and reels. 会员动画完成品,包括短片,宣传片。
- Xanthus Digital Picture is an animation studio dedicated to creating, developing and producing high-quality 3D animation works. 冉色斯创意影像是一家致力于开发与制作高品质3D动画作品的动画公司。
- His animation work has been shown on TV, cinema, and more recently at London's IMAX cinema. 在电视台、影院也能看到他制作的动画片,最近在伦敦IMAX电影院还有他的作品放映。
- He dismissed the Dolly studies as"veterinary animal work. 兽医的工作"。
- The push toward photorealism in animation works in favour of animals but against people. 在动画中的图像模拟对象一般针对的是动物而不是人。
- But as a result of the animal work, says Culver, "the technology is there" for engineering human sperm. 但卡尔弗说,作为动物实验的成果,“就有了现成的技术”来改造人类的精子。
- Animal work has shown that the representation of sound in neural firing patterns changes considerably from brainstem to cortex. 动物实验已显示,从脑干到皮层的声音表现在神经兴奋型态上会有很大的不同。
- Pet owners are failing to help their animals work off their Christmas excess despite the fact that a third of British pets are overweight, a survey has showed. 最新公布的一项调查显示,尽管有三分之一的英国宠物目前正处于体重超标的状态,但相当一部分宠物主人并未采取有效措施来帮助宠爱们除去在圣诞期间新添的赘肉。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。
- The author's fingerprint is quite obvious in all of his works. 作者的特色在他所有的作品中都很明显。
- We felt an animation about the ambitious plan. 我们对此宏伟规划感到兴奋。
- The system works on the principle that heat rises. 该项装置是按照热力上升的原理运转的。
- A crossbar with two U-shaped pieces that encircle the necks of a pair of oxen or other draft animals working together. 轭两块U形板组成的横木,套在一起干活的一对公牛或载物动物的脖子上
- You can gain by watching how she works. 看她怎样工作就可获益。
- I am ready to plump for the plan provided it works. 要是这个计划行得通,我准备大力支持它。
- Lacking animation, variety, or distinction; dull. 无精打彩的,乏味的缺少生气、变化或差别的; 乏味的
- She works best of all when she is alone. 她独自一人时,她工作得最好。
- He works in the drapery department of the store. 他在商店的纺织品部工作。
- How much do you know about the works of Mark Twin. 马克。吐温写的作品你知道多少?