- anharmonic effectt 非简谐效应
- The cross ratio he called anharmonic ratio. 他把交比叫作非调和比。
- It is said to be anharmonic motion. 故称为非谐运动。
- The higher-order effects of the field on the particle motion give rise to anharmonic terms in the vibrational Hamiltoniom. 场对粒子运动的高阶效应在振动哈密顿量中引起非简谐项。
- The calculated anharmonic constants indicate that the anharmonic effect of (111) plane is the smallest. 由声子频率随温度变化关系得到的非谐常数表明(111)面的非谐效应最弱。
- The results show that static order of Ag atoms increases,and anharmonic vibration of Ag atoms becomes stronger when Ag particle size decreases. 结果表明,随着纳米银颗粒尺寸的减小,银原子的静态无序度增大,非和谐振动加剧。
- In this paper, we calculate the energy eigenvalue of a class of anharmonic oscillators by means of the self-consistent approximation. 提出了一种平均自洽方法,计算了带4次项的非简谐振子的能量本征值。
- For anharmonic trap, this excitation has energy-selective characters, and depends on the frequency spectrum of the current noise. 对于非简谐阱,这种激发具有能量选择特性,它又取决于电流噪声的频谱分布。
- It is demonstrated experimentally that the anharmonic property of the quadrupole trap can be exploited to cool trapped atoms by modulating the trap potential anisotropically. 通过周期性地调制势阱,从实验上证明了四极阱的非简谐特性可以被用来冷却被囚禁的原子。
- We present a theory of ultrasonic generation via direct interaction of transverse optic (TO) phonons with photons in anharmonic lattice of ionic crystals. 详细地讨论了通过光子与横向光频支(To)声子直接耦合产生高频超声问题。
- The improved variational-perturbation method based on integral equation (variational-integral perturbation method) is applied to solve the quartic anharmonic oscillator in the ground state. 摘要利用基于积分方程的改进的变分微扰方法(变分-积分微扰法)求解四次方非谐振子基态。
- It is said to be anharmonic motion 故称为非谐运动。
- The cross ratio he called anharmonic ratio 他把交比叫作非调和比。
- complex cubic anharmonic oscillator 复立方非谐振子
- generalized anharmonic oscillator 广义非简谐振子
- Multiple-Scale Perturbation Theory of Quartic Anharmonic Oscillator 四次非简谐振子的多尺度微扰理论
- Multiple-Scale Perturbation Theory of Sextic Anharmonic Oscillator 六次非简谐振子的多尺度微扰理论
- Periodical motion of an ion-cloud in an anharmonic Paul trap 非谐射频阱中离子云系统的精确周期解
- Effect of anharmonic vibration on the solid equation of state 非简谐振动对固体物态方程的影响
- The atomic state in two-dimensional periodic anharmonic well 类抛物二维周期势阱中的原子状态