- Her body shape is slim , angulus oris is always hanging slight smiling expression. 标签: 英语 翻译, 翻译, 文字她身形苗条,嘴角总是挂着淡淡的笑容。
- I middle linger at the vast world , seek mildness being left over in your angulus oris. 我在辽阔的世界中徘徊,寻找残留在你嘴角的温柔。
- Thereupon the boy starts laughing at changing , becoming that angulus oris that the girl is fond of to be concerned about a dirty trick , be cynical or humorous. 于是男孩开始改变,变成女孩喜欢的那种嘴角挂着坏坏的笑,玩世不恭或者幽默。
- The habituation slightness elevates angulus oris, 习惯性悳微微扬起嘴角,
- Angulus oris elevates the pale smile, 嘴角扬起惨白悳微笑,
- Angulus oris elevates the pale smile, 嘴角扬起惨白旳微笑
- The angulus oris laughing at is bringing the barefaced pallor along, 嘴角悳笑带著露骨悳苍白,
- line of angulus oris 口角线
- angulus oris [医] 口角
- OrIs she a French student or an English student? 她是一个法国的学生还是一个英国的学生?
- Either you orI am able to attend the meeting. 要么是你要么是我;可以参加这个会议.
- RFC2687 - PPP in a Real-time Ori. 2004年一季度软交换和网关调查.
- Oris National Bank is a private well-established banking system. 感觉也与其他傍子没有什么差别。
- In prepress, the printer runs certified Oris proofs from CGS. 在印前,打印机运行的证据证明奥瑞斯由总参谋长。
- They require evidence that the Ori are not to be trusted. 他们要求Ori不应被相信的证据。
- We knew eliminating the Ori might not stop the followers. 我们知道,消灭Ori可能并不能阻止他们的追随者。
- You'd best stay clear of me, orI'll turn you into a mindless sheep! 你最好别碰我,不然我会把你变成一只没大脑的绵羊!
- The power and the greatness of the Ori cannot be denied. 所有踏上启蒙之路的人们都将和我们共同受到启迪。
- There was no facial asymmetry and no weakness the orbicularis oris or oculi. 没有任何颜面不对称,没有疲软的口轮匝或轮匝。
- Click [V] button t o change vertical view Dating ori horizonvl view. 用滑鼠点击右上角[V]按钮,可切-442;为垂直显示或水平显示。