- Sets the angular displacement vector applied by the actuator. 设置执行器角向量移动应用。
- The radome causes an angular displacement of the tracking aerial polar diagram. 天线罩使跟踪天线的极图产生了角位移。
- The dotted lines show the angular displacement from the Sun.Units are in A.U. 虚线显示了它们与太阳的角位移,单位是天文单位。
- This requires a servo follow-up system to keep the operating angular displacement between gimbal and case down to acceptable low limits. 这就需要有一随动系统使框架与壳体间的工作角位移保持在满意的小范围之内。
- Principle and Design of Optical Fiber Angular Displacement Sensor Based on Sensitive Fabry-Perot Cavity[J]. 引用该论文 吕涛;刘德森;刘志麟;郎贤礼;蒋小平;朱少丽.
- Electrical power pulse signal will be entered into angular displacement or displacement of the Central Line control components. 步进电机是将电脉冲信号转变为角位移或线位移的开环控制元件。
- Through the signal handling of affer end circuit system,the linear output and display of angular displacement can be obtained. 经后续信号电路系统的技术处理,即可获得角位移的线性输出、显示。
- In modern monitoring technology, raster sensor has been widely applied in the measurement of line displacement and angular displacement. 在现代测控技术领域中,光栅位移传感器在线位移、角位移测量中得到了广泛应用。
- The simulation and experiment results show the favor stable pressure and swash plate angular displacement responses achieved. 模拟结果及实验结果得到稳定及快速之压力输出及斜板偏转角反应特性。
- Stepping motors anr DA converting elements that can turn digital pulse signals into mechanical angular displacement or linear displacement. 步进电动机是一种将数字脉冲信号转换成机械角位移或者线位移的数模转换元件。
- The mathematical expression between angular displacement of these joints and linear displacement of power units is established and the calc... 建立了单自由度关节的角位移与驱动元件伸长量间的数学表达式,并根据示例完成了单自由度关节设计计算。
- A transformation of a coordinate system in which the new axes have a specified angular displacement from their original position while the origin remains fixed. 旋度,一种坐标系的转变,新的坐标轴从原位置位移的一定角度而原点保持不变。
- One can identify flux distribution associated with the rotor and stator , which rotate in synchronism and which are separated by some torque-producing angular displacement. 可以识别与定子和转子有关的通量分布,定子与转子同步旋转且由一些扭矩产生的角位移而分开。
- A vibratory rotation sensor in the form of a hemispherical resonator gyro (HRG) is capable of measuring the angular displacement (velocity), which is not developed in home. 半球壳谐振子陀螺仪(HRG),是近年来迅速发展起来的一种新型的 角位移/角速率传感器,目前在国内尚处于起步阶段。
- The peak value of angular displacement of pelvic tilt up, pelvic tilt down, knee valgus, ankle dorsifexion, and ankle rotation were significantly lower (p<0.05) in the OA group. 患者的髋关节屈曲、髋关节外展、膝关节伸展、膝关节外翻及足踝蹠曲的力矩峰值明显优于控制组。
- To measure dynamic stabilization precision of airborn electro-optical system,a measurement scheme of angular displacement of real-time variable frequency is put forward. 提出了一种实时高频角位移测量的新方案,采用该方案可对机载光电系统动态稳定精度进行测试。
- The curves of angular displacement for the elbow joint motion were obtained by using functional neuromuscular stimulation (FNS) limbs motion measurement instruments. 缓慢连续变化的刺激脉冲能有效地缓解肱二头肌的疲劳程度;
- We say "mathematically equivalent" because we will make a subtle distinction between "orientation" and terms like "angular displacement" and "rotation" in this section. 之所以说“数学上”等价,是因为在本节中,我们会对“方位”,“角位移”,“旋转”作精确的区分。
- The invention is applicable to automatically triggered switches that are turned on by means of angular displacement, in either direction, of a contact bridge and its support (1). 本发明适用于自动触发开关,该开关借助于接触桥和其支承件(1)沿两个方向中的任一方向的角位移被接通。
- The experimental results show very good accuracy in the longitudinal displacement calculation but there are still rooms for the angular displacement accuracy improvement. 从实验显示出高精确度位移量计算之结果,但对于角位移之精确度仍然需要进一步改善。