- He is angry at being kept waiting. 他因久候而生气。
- She was angry at being denied the opportunity to see me. 因不准她见我,她非常生气。
- The professor was angry at John for cheating in the exam. 教授对约翰考试作弊十分气恼。
- She got angry at me and left me high and dry on the side of the street. 她对我生气了,甩头就走,把我丢在街道上不管。
- She pacified him when he got angry at the result. 她安抚在为结果生气的他。
- He was angry at being denied admittance. 他因被拒绝进入而发怒。
- Tome got angry at the remark and charged colour. 汤姆因一句话而气得脸红。
- For a wonder you were not angry at it. 你对此没有发火,真是出乎预料。
- Paul's mother was very angry at the intrusion. 保罗妈妈对这种干扰恼怒异常。
- I'm very angry at his indifference. 他的冷漠真令我生气。
- I am very angry at his indifference. 他的冷漠真令我生气。
- I'm very angry at the way I have been treated. 我对我被对待的方式十分生气。
- Do not be so angry at your mother. 别那么生你母亲的气了。
- He felt angry at the injustice of the situation. 他对这种不公的现象感到愤愤不平。
- Sarah gets angry at the rebellious colonists. 莎拉对这些反叛的殖民地居民非常愤怒,
- Students were angry at being treated like children. 学生们对于把他们当小孩子对待感到气愤。
- I was angry at the way he has treated me. 他这样对待我使我很生气。
- His mother is rather angry at his laziness. 由于他懒惰成性,他母亲大为生气。
- The people are very angry at what he said. 人们对他所说的话感到非常生气。
- I'm so angry at Bob for buying a new bike. 我因鲍勃买了一辆新自行车而对他感到很生气。