- Anew Day Force Vertical Lifting Force SPF 新活弹力日霜
- The breakfast that abounds suddenly will help you abstinent to food inside a day force. 一顿丰富的早餐将帮你在一天内对食物有节制力。
- The breakfast that abounds suddenly will help you can abstinent to food inside a day force. 一顿丰富的早餐将帮你在一天内对食物能有节制力。
- Globalization problem is modernistic the major problem that has controversy very by force extremely again. 全球化问题是一个现代性很强又极具争议的重大问题。
- I bought a pair of tan leather shoes the other day. 前几天我买了双棕褐色的皮鞋。
- He'll rue the day he married her. 他将会因为和她结婚而抱恨终身。
- You should repent and start anew. 你应悔过自新。
- Put this lotion on three times a day. 用这种药水,一天三次。
- This paperintroduces a new reinforced installation for multi-directional upsetting, it provides a strengthenedhorizontal upsetting force extremely larger than that force obtained by conventional RR forging pro-cess or TR forging process. 本文设计的新型增力式多向钮锻装置,在锻造接近结束时,可以增大水平锹粗力,其增力效果超过传统的rr锻造法及TR锻造法。
- I'm grieved anew to see the parting day. 日暮客愁新。
- He had been bumming around the park all day. 他在公园里荡了一整天了。
- Workers say this kind of dye permeates force extremely strong, should besmear gently only arrive with respect to very can fast ooze in stone, but the stink just can volatilize for a long time. 工人们说这种染料渗透力极强,只要轻轻一涂就能很快渗到石头里,但臭味却要很长时间才能挥发掉。
- God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it. 上帝祝福第七天并且使它成为神圣的日子。
- He slicks his hair down with oil every day. 他每天搽油把头梳得光溜溜的。
- The enemy kept up their bombardment day and night. 敌军一直日夜不停地狂轰滥炸。
- Your composition contains too many mistakes; write anew. 你的作文错误太多,重新写。
- My wife murmurs the same thing day in and day out. 我妻子天天喋喋不休地重复同样的话。
- He has a large amount of mail to answer every day. 他每天有大量的信件要回复。
- Do exercise every day and you'll be back in condition. 每天锻炼锻炼,你很快会恢复健康的。
- People in this locality used to take two meals a day. 这儿的居民过去每天吃两餐饭。