- anemia of endocrine disorders 内分泌疾病的贫血
- Anemia of endocrine disorder 内分泌失调性贫血
- The detection of minute amounts of hormone with radioimmunoassays (see radiology) permits early diagnosis and treatment of endocrine disorders. 还有一种放射性免疫测定法,可侦测到极微量的荷尔蒙变化,使早期诊断和治疗内分泌疾病成为可能。
- Pediatric patients may deelop slipped capital femoral epiphyses more frequently if they hae endocrine disorders or during rapid growth. 如果患有内分泌病症或正处于快速增长期,儿科患者会更频繁地出现大股骨骺滑动。
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome(PCOS) is one of the endocrine disorders affecting those women who are in the reproductive age. 多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)是目前青年女性常见的生殖内分泌紊乱性疾病。
- Now thought that generally is because the life pressure is oversized, so that patient‘s endocrine disorders, thus affects body‘s immune system. 现在一般认为,是因为生活压力过大,使病人的内分泌失调,从而影响身体的免疫系统。
- Endocrine disorders are common gynecologic diseases, including dysfunctional uterine bleeding, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, PCOS and so on. 妇科内分泌疾病是常见病,包括功能失调性子宫出血、痛经、闭经及多囊卵巢综合征,等等。
- Surgical treatments of endocrine tumors of the pancreas. 胰腺内分泌肿瘤的外科治疗。
- "Xuying,famale ,is the chief physician of endocrine department. "徐莹,女,内分泌科主任医师。
- But the life pressure, will be pregnant the birth, the endocrine disorders and so on will cause feminine breast the maldevelopment or loses the elasticity, atrophy sagging. 但生活压力,怀孕生育,内分泌失调等会使女性乳房发育不良或者失去弹性,以至于萎缩下垂。
- Abmi applied to growth with age, pregnancy, endocrine disorders, the pace of work accelerated hereditary types of freckles, stains, etc. are very good results. Abmi适用于随着年龄增长、怀孕,内分泌失调,工作节奏加快,遗传性类型的雀斑、色斑等均有很好的效果。
- The process of internal secretion characteristic of endocrine glands. 内分泌内分泌腺特有的分泌过程
- But adult smallpox many with the pressure, the environment change, the endocrine disorders, the bad habits and customs, inverts day and night the daily schedule concerns. 而成人痘多与压力、环境改变、内分泌失调、不良的生活习惯、日夜颠倒的作息时间有关。
- Aplastic anemia (anemia of Bone-marrow failure):Inadequate Blood-cell formation by Bone marrow. 再生障碍性贫血(亦称骨髓衰竭性贫血):因骨髓不能产生足够数量的血球而引起的一种疾
- Aplastic anemia (anemia of bone-marrow failure): Inadequate blood-cell formation by bone marrow. 再生障碍性贫血(亦称骨髓衰竭性贫血):因骨髓不能产生足够数量的血球而引起的一种疾病。
- The morbidity of anemia is 69.2% in these clinical active RA patients,especially anemia of chronic disease(ACD). 所分析的患者中;贫血发病率较高;占69.;2%25;主要为慢性病贫血(Anemia of chronic disease;ACD);
- The field of urological service consists the treatment of disease of adrenal gland, renal-ureter, urinary bladder, urethra, endocrine disorders of both sex and male genitourinary system. 泌尿科主要是诊治肾上腺、肾脏、输尿管、膀胱、尿道等男女内分泌及排尿系统和男性生殖器的疾病。
- Objective To research effectiveness and influence of nutritional intervention for anemia of pupils. 目的分析综合营养干预小学生贫血的效果。
- Tourmaline underwear sexual dysfunction, prostatitis, urinary frequency, dysmenorrhea, hemorrhoids, endocrine disorders, with excellent conditioning effects of prevention and support. 托玛琳内裤对性功能减退、前列腺炎、尿频、痛经、痔疮,内分泌失调,具有极好的预防和辅助调理效果。
- Accompanying the biochemical, metabolic, and visceral changes are a series of endocrine alterations. 在生化、代谢以及内脏发生变化的同时,还有一系列的内分泌变化。