- ancient political tradition 古代政治传统
- The political tradition of Tudor dynasty determines its low rate of financial support. 都铎王朝的政治传统决定了其较低的财政供养率。
- That paradise of public speaking has become part of Britain's political tradition,serving a symbolic rather than practical purpose. 这个演说天地,早已是英国政治传统的一部分,它的象征意义多过实际的意义。
- Marxist's thought on Form of Government carries on macro-politeia view in the Western political tradition, which practice wandered between the plebeian politeia and the elite's. 摘要马克思主义政体思想继承了西方传统中既强调政治制度,又强调社会结构的大政体观,其政体实践徘徊于巴黎公社式平民政体与苏联式精英政体之间。
- That paradise of public speaking has become part of Britain's political tradition, serving a symbolic rather than practical purpose. 这个演说天地,早已是英国政治传统的一部分,它的象征意义多过实际的意义。
- It was a day of political tradition, ceremony and drama, the official transfer of power from one prime minister to another. 这是个传统的政治仪式,正式的首相权利交接在这天举行。
- In the political tradition of the early 19th century, Adams as Secretary of State was considered the political heir to the Presidency. 依照19世纪早期的政治传统,作为国务卿的亚当斯本当被推选为总统继承人。
- DANIEL YERGIN: The belief that trade increases the odds for peace and also leads to higher standards of living is something that has been part of the American political tradition. 美国的政治传统认为贸易会增加和平和提高生活水平的机会。
- In the article the writer aims to explore and expound the influence of ancient politics and ritual law upon visual art. 本文试就古代政治和礼法制度对视觉艺术产生的影响进行探讨和论证。
- The policy of terror be used ases an ancient politics or social phenomena, and have already had two more than thousand yearses of history . 恐怖主义作为一种古老的政治或社会现象,已有两千多年的历史。
- Politic practice, politic tradition and politic culture in the West have proved the independence of equality. 西方的政治实践、政治传统和政治文化为平等的独立性提供了证明。
- Defying one of the oldest political traditions, the Arizona senator is winning by gruffly refusing to tell people what they want to hear. 公然挑战古老的政治传统,这个亚利桑那州的参议员粗暴的拒绝了说出那些选民爱听的话,但是他胜利了。
- The former is responsible for literary and political traditions in Song Dynasty and the latter for phenomenon of literary cliques. 由前者产生贯穿两宋始终的文统、道统观念 ,由后者生成宋代文坛上体派纷纭的现象。
- My inn had once been a part of an ancient ecclesiastical house. 我的客栈曾经是一个古老教会的房子的一部分。
- The moral-oriented political tradition 德治传统
- The law provides that these ancient buildings must be preserved. 法律规定,这些古老的建筑应该保存。
- I have ancient scrolls and other rarities. 我有古书卷等珍品。
- Soldiers in ancient time used escutcheon to fight. 古代的士兵用饰有花纹的盾作战。
- The Significance of "Theory of Knowledge" in the Study of the History of Chinese Traditional Political Ideology: Why We Need--"Interrogation of Knowledge" for Chinese Political Tradition? "知识论"在中国传统政治思想史研究中的意义--为什么需要对中国政治传统做"知识的拷问"
- The fortress was the nucleus of the ancient city. 这城堡是这座古城的中心。