- Promotion and Auxiliary Function of Reciting on Ancient Literature Class 论背诵对古代文学课的深化与辅助作用
- ancient literature class 古代文学课
- The relation of literary history to individual works in a literature class. 文学课上文学史与文学作品的关系。
- In their literature class,they discussed the mystical and the supernatural. 在文学课上;他们讨论了神秘主义和超自然主义思想.
- Ancient literature is a rarity in the history of our literature development. 古代文学是我国文学发展史上的瑰宝。
- And because, if you must know, I had an English literature class until eleven. 还因为,你必须得知道,我十一点钟还在上英语文学课。
- Zhao Bingyao, Editor, devoted to the research on ancient literature. 赵炳耀,编审,主要从事古代文学研究。
- This is a novel way to penetrate ancient Literature for college students. 从而试图达到补充和深化文学史和作品选的目的。
- In the language and literature class today, the teacher commented on characters in "The Dream of the Red Mansions". 今天在语文课上,老师给我们评讲了《红楼梦》人物。
- However, some "Gan" in the ancient literature express the external possibility instead of the personal positivity, whose meaning and function are similar to the word "Neng". 但是,在古代文献上,有些“敢”字却不表示主观上的积极性,而是强调客观上的可能性,意义和用法与“能”字相当。
- A vimana is a mythological flying machine, described in the ancient literature of India. 维曼拿斯是神话般的飞行器,在古代印度的文献里有描写。
- Offutt's British literature class, listening to him explain what his seniors would learn and getting them excited about the journey they would take. Offutt教授的英国文学教室里,听他给他的4年级学生讲述将要学到的内容,他使他的学生们都对将要到来的英国文学课之旅感到非常的兴奋。
- The professor is a specialist in the research of ancient literature and we all respect him very much. 教授在古代文学研究方面学有专长,我们很敬佩他。
- And the ancient literature research on Stylistics will be one of the two significant trends in 21st century. 武汉大学著名学者王兆鹏教授认为,文体学的研究将成为21世纪古代文学研究的两大趋势之一。
- Methods Based on ancient literature, in combination with modern sciences, explore the mysteries of the Chong Vessel. 方法:以古代文献为基础,结合现代科学知识,力求揭示经络冲脉的奥秘。
- This supposition is supported by the evidence from both ancient literature and modern dialect. 这个观点可以得到传世文献材料和现代方言材料两个方面证据的支持。
- literature class of ancient China 中国古代文学课
- I'm collecting all members' suggestions. Then, I plan to put the emphasis on the comparation of Chinese Ancient Literature and American Literature. 我正在收集大家的意见。之后,我想将重点放在中国古文化与美国文化比较上。
- For example,if you haven't done any reading for your colonial literature class,you probably won't get much out of trying to cram the whole semester's worth of material into your brain in a week. 譬如,如果在殖民地时期文学这门课程上还未读过任何布置阅读的作品,即便一周内把整个学期的学习内容硬塞进脑子里,也无济于事。
- This thesis attempts to study the cult of Dionysus in ancient Greece, based on available ancient literature and archaeological materials. 本文是以古典文献和考古发掘资料为基础、对古希腊狄奥尼索斯崇拜这一宗教现象所作的一项专题研究。