- characteristic ancient folk house 特色古民居
- Analyzing the stone carving art of Cai Qian ancient folk house 析蔡氏古民居石刻艺术
- ancient folk houses 古民居
- Architecture aesthetics of the ancient folk house in AnHui Hong village 安徽宏村古民居的建筑美学
- Fashioning pastry figurines is an ancient folk art. 据说,状元糕是清朝皇帝宴请状元时的茶点。
- ancient folk house 古民居
- As the folk house architecture around Dayan ancient city,the folk houses in Shuhe ancient town become a part of the global cultural heritage which attracts universal tourist. 作为大研古城周边民居建筑的束河古镇民居,成了“世界文化遗产”中的一部分,吸引着各种肤色的众多游客。
- In this latter case, we have a recent scientific analysis of this ancient folk science supposition. 针对上述这种自古以来的假说,最近有一个科学分析。
- The author then analyses the heating, bask, natural lighting and stage of Shanxi traditional folk houses. 在第三部分,本文作者对山西传统民居的采暖、保温、采光、戏台等技术进行了初步的探讨。
- Contrary to the realistic watercolor paintings of folk houses, the oil paintings focus on the interior spiritual world. 与用水彩来表达对外在世界感受的民居写实绘画相反,油画偏重于描述内心世界。
- Mr. Ts'ao was quite right when he said it had the flavor of an ancient folk song. 曹先生说它有古代民歌的风味,一点儿不错。
- The old masters of shadow puppet shows now stress making leather puppets to preserve this ancient folk art. 皮影戏的老师傅埋首制作皮影子,一心一意要将这项古老的民间艺术流传下去。
- He believes that Wenzhou folk houses in Shanghai is a deep-seated causes, simply say "disinvestment" or "transfer" are not accurate. 他认为,温州人在沪购房是有着深层次的原因的,简单地说“撤资”或“转移”其实都并不准确。
- Wenzhou folk houses in Shanghai has been in the spotlight. but a little while ago called "disinvestment" hearsay is a seething hot. 温州人在沪购房一直是人们关注的焦点,而前一阵所谓“撤资”的传闻更是被炒得沸沸扬扬的。
- Shaman musical dances have had significant influences to the formation and development of Mongolian ancient folk musical dances. 萨满乐舞对蒙古族民间古乐舞的形成和发展产生了很大的影响,近现代蒙古族民间的安代、鼓、碗等乐舞,其旋法律动、式调性、作形态和舞蹈姿态等风格,仍带有明显的萨满乐舞韵味。
- It inherited the ancient folk art tradition,gu zhuo simple, rough unrestrained, pure and crisp, bold exaggeration, with a very great vitality. 它继承了古老的民间艺术传统,古拙质朴,粗犷奔放,纯洁明快,大胆夸张,具有极旺盛的生命力。
- I started to sketch folk houses with the combination of oil pastel and watercolor, and applied this technique in the creation of watercolor painting and oil painting. 我开始用油画棒和水彩结合的方法快速地画民居速写,并将这一技法融入水彩、油画创作中。
- When its source is an ancient folk Minor, Song writer Su Shi Dingzhou either know them when they order the state, and are passed down. 其源头是古时候民间小调,宋代文学家苏轼在定州任知州时加以整理并流传下来。
- To make a controlling plan of 2 m2 for Famous Zhengying Province-level Historic &Cultural Village , and to establish 350 folk houses, mostly old-type courtyard houses). 郑营历史文化名村规划控制面积2平方公里,民居建筑约有350间,多为旧式四合院。
- When I was touched by the quality and atmosphere of the folk houses and tried to express them in different ways, all of my painting techniques seemed to be powerless. 当时我被民居的气质与氛围所感动,想用不同的方法去表现它,结果发现我使用得十分熟练的一般绘画技巧在它面前都显得苍白无力。