- ancient buried hill reservoir 古潜山油气藏
- Ordovician buried hill reservoir plays and exploration technique of northern Bohai Bay basin. 渤海湾盆地北部奥陶系潜山油气藏成藏组合及勘探技术
- Practice and understanding for water plugging of Renqiu buried hill reservoir in high water cut period. 任丘潜山油藏高含水期的堵水实践与认识
- Paleozoic carbonate buried hill reservoir in Nanpu oilfield is a pore-fracture dual media reservoir. 南堡油田古生界碳酸盐岩古潜山油藏为孔隙-裂缝型双重介质油藏。
- The fractures of Palaeozoic buried hill reservoir in Futai oilfield mostly developed ... 裂缝纵向上主要受岩性控制,具有明显的层状特征。
- Chegu 201 buried hill reservoir is one of the great discovies in Shengli petroliferous area in recent years. 车古201潜山油藏为胜利油区近几年的重大发现之一。
- Gas injection mechanism in buried hill reservoir has been studied through analyzing the impact of gas on oil PVT. 通过分析天然气对原油高压物性的影响,研究了古潜山油藏的注气机理。
- Qijia oil field in Liaohe region is the first discovered in an Archaeozoic mixed granite buried hill reservoir with high oil yield. 齐家古潜山油藏是辽河地区最早从太古界混合花岗岩中取得高产工业油流的古潜山油藏之一。
- The fractures of Palaeozoic buried hill reservoir in Futai oilfield mostly developed in Yanshan period, mainly high-angle fractures. 富台油田古生界潜山油藏裂缝主要发育在燕山期,以高角度裂缝为主,裂缝横向上主要受构造控制,在背斜顶部或高点较为发育;
- The distribution of fissues and vugs in the buried hill reservoir is described by using diplog, BHTV and fracture log data. 综合应用地层倾角、井下电视和裂缝识别等测井资料,描述古潜山的裂缝和孔洞的分布,并对今后的勘探工作提出建议。
- The metamorphic buried hill reservoir discovered in Beir Fault Depression of Hailar Basin has a large scale and high oil production. 海拉尔盆地贝尔断陷中的变质岩潜山油藏规模大,产量高。
- Small and micro fractures are the most developed fractures in the buried hill reservoir, whose width and areal porosity are positively related. 潜山储层的裂缝以细、微缝最发育,其宽度和面孔率之间存在着正相关性。
- The success of well Yannan 1 has verified the above understanding, thus providing basis for discovering buried hill reservoir. 燕南1井的钻探成功,验证了上述认识,从而为发现古潜山油气藏奠定了基础。
- Using this set of techniques to predict the development and oil/gas-bearing character of fractural reservoir of Archaean buried hill reservoir in JZS oil/gas field. 利用此套技术对JZS油气田太古界潜山储层中裂缝性储集层发育情况和含油气性进行了预测。
- The distribution of fissues and vugs in the buried hill reservoir is described by using diplog, BHTV and fracture log data.Suggestions are given in this paper to future exploration. 综合应用地层倾角、井下电视和裂缝识别等测井资料,描述古潜山的裂缝和孔洞的分布,并对今后的勘探工作提出建议。
- Fractal Geometric Characters of Fractural Distribution in Lunnan Ancient Buried Hill Carbonate Reservoir 轮南古潜山碳酸盐岩储集层裂缝分布分形特征
- Proterozoic dolomite and quartzite in Damintun Depression are best buried hill reservoir rocks, and study of Proterozoic distribution is of significant importance in buried hill exploration. 摘要大民屯凹陷元古界白云岩、石英岩为古潜山最佳储集岩性,因而元古界分布研究在古潜山勘探中占有重要地位。
- The study shows that reservoir characteristics and fluid property of Renqiu buried hill reservoir fit gas injection recovery,and the result of this study may guide field recovery by gas injection. 研究表明,任丘古潜山油藏的储层特性和流体性质较适合注气开采,其研究成果对现场实施注天然气开采具有指导意义。
- The buried hill reservoir in lower Palaeozoic was a layered reservoir, with inner vug and inner fracture reservoirs as major types. 其中下古生界古潜山油气藏属层状油气藏,储层主要为内幕孔洞型储层和内幕裂缝型储层。
- It is thought that Mesozoic volcanics exist extensively in this area and have the probability of forming buried hill reservoirs. 结果认为,该区广泛存在中生界火山岩并有形成古潜山油气藏的可能。