- ancient burial grounds 古代墓地
- The finds from these burial grounds point to the existence of a prosperous matriarchal society. 这些墓地中发现的东西说明曾经有过一个昌盛的母系社会。
- We visited the prehistoric burial grounds discovered last year. 我们参观了去年发现的史前墓葬地。
- Saqqara is a vast, ancient burial ground in Egypt, featuring the world's oldest standing step pyramid. It has 4700 year long histroy. 是埃及也是世界上最古老的金字塔,距今已有4700多年了。
- Taps is also played at military burial grounds during Memorial Day ceremonies. 在阵亡烈士纪念日仪式中军号也会在军事墓地演奏。
- We have whole states with nothing better to do than serve as ancestral burial grounds for our effluvium. 全国所有的州,再没有把咱祖宗的坟地用做核废料掩埋场更好的办法了。
- All trace of properly laid-out burial grounds is lacking, probably because the earliest strata are below water level and it has so far been impossible to excavate them. 也许是因为最初的地面在水平面以下,我们已没法挖掘埋藏在地下的印度河文明城市的最初踪迹。
- Mummies are a common feature of ancient burial practices in diverse civilizations. 木乃伊是古代不同文明中埋葬习俗的一项常见特色。
- Part of a tradition of American military funeral is the playing of a bugle call known as taps. Taps is also played at military burial grounds during Memorial Day ceremories. 熄灯号音,丧葬号音美军葬礼的传统之一是用军号吹奏葬丧号音。在军事公墓举行的阵亡将士纪念日的仪式上也会吹奏葬丧号音。
- Offering help in the morgue, near the com mon burial grounds (where victims may be buried due to fear of epidemics) is a proper function for mental health workers. 在太平间、靠近掩埋地(由于害怕瘟疫传播而就地掩埋的受难者)的地方提供帮助是心理健康工作者的作用之一。
- You will uncover a thirty-thousand-year-old magic wand in an ancient burial site and even meet a real live wizard living in Siberia! 你会在一个古老的墓葬遗址里找到一根三万年前的魔杖,甚至遇到一个住在西伯利亚还健在的真正巫士!
- Part of the tradition of American military funeral is the playing of a bugle call known as taps. Taps is also played at military burial grounds during Memorial Day ceremonies. 在部分传统的美国军人葬礼时吹称作熄灯号的军号。在纪念日的典礼上,熄灯号也在军用墓地现场吹响。
- Part of the tradition of an American military funeral is the playing of a bugle call known as taps.Taps is also played at military burial grounds during Memorial Day ceremonies. 美国军队葬礼的一项传统是吹奏丧葬号,在阵亡将士纪念日丧葬号也会在烈士公墓奏响。
- Entrances to the Otherworld could be found in ancient burial sites, prominent land marks, and natural features (such as caves). 到达“另一世界”的通道可能在古老的葬尸场,突出的地面标志或某种有特色的自然场所(如岩洞)找到。
- It analyzes the biasing effects of decay and incomplete recovery on burial data from archaeological sites, and discusses what we may learn about ancient burial rituals from human remains. 它分析有偏见的腐坏和不完全的恢复对来自考古遗址的埋葬数据的影响, 讨论我们可能获悉什麽古老埋葬仪式从人那里留下来。
- The fox went to ground under a rocky escarpment. 狐狸钻进了石崖下面的洞里。
- A small party of men were told off for burial duty. 一小组人被分派去执行掩埋的任务。
- An ancient record-player ground out some tune long ago. 一架古老的留声机沉重地奏出很久以前的曲调。
- The place was fixed upon as exhibition grounds. 这个地方已被选定作为展览场所。
- You have no real grounds for complaint. 你没有真正的理由发牢骚。