- History of Ancient Shu Kingdom 古蜀史
- ancient Shu Kingdom 古蜀王国
- The ancient Sanxingdui City, the capital of the Yufu Monarchy of the Shu Kingdom, reflects that the city in its true sense has already come into being. 三星堆古城是古蜀国鱼凫王朝的国都,反映出古蜀国真正意义的城市已经形成。
- The ancient Shu has its own history and culture connotation. 古蜀文化有自己独具特色的历史文化内涵。
- The newly-discovered "Luocheng" in Songpan proves to be an important and mysterious history which was missing for the ancient Shu. 今又在松潘地区发现“雒城”,由此找到了古蜀丢失的一段最重要而神秘的历史。
- Zhou Yu of Wu Kingdom was a strategist But he was narrow-minded and jealous of people smarter than him. So he had always been thinking of killing Zhuge Liang and Liu Bei of Shu Kingdom. 东吴的周瑜虽有计谋,但心胸狭窄妒贤嫉能,一心想害刘备和诸葛亮。
- It shows that sun worship was part of the religious culture of the ancient Shu State. 器身上的小孔可能用来将器物固定在某种物体上,供人膜拜,显示太阳崇拜是古蜀国的宗教文化。
- Tracing the footprint of ancient Shu People, we could discovery the meaning of inheriting our Shu culture. 探寻古蜀人从远古走来的足迹,可以发掘出古蜀人的文化传承意义。
- Great numbers of gui-shaped jade chisels and jade plates bear the special traits of the ancient Shu culture. 是的,每个枝头上的都鸟儿朝上站着,瞧,它们要飞起来了!
- At the end of Shang dynasty and the beginning of Zhou dynasty, the ancient Shu entered the Duyu dynasty. 商末周初,古蜀国由鱼凫王朝跨入了杜宇王朝。
- Jinsha Site Museum - Representative of ancient Shu Kingdom.Located in JinSha area. 2mins by vehicle from TaiYi Hotel. 金沙遗址博物馆 J insha Site Museum ,金沙侧岸,三千年前古蜀家园,泰逸车程2分钟。
- Wangjiang Mausoleum-the mausoleum for ancient Shu emperors, called as Yongling Museum as well. 2mins by vehicle from TaiYi Hotel. 王建墓Wangjiang Mausoleum ,又名 永陵博物馆 ,泰逸车程2分钟,五代前蜀皇帝王建的陵墓。
- On Fan Chengda Governing the Shu Kingdom 范成大治蜀述论
- In fact, the wild of Wo(Qiang) and Mt.Kunlun were apotheosized paradise imagined by Shushan and Cancong clans among ancient Shu people, taking Minshan Mountain as its archetype. 实际上,沃(羌)之野和昆仑都是古蜀族中的蜀山氏和蚕丛氏以岷山为原型,神化而成的乐园。
- The calendar and the sun adoration that represent myth and sciences respectively are the different understandings by the ancient Shu people of the same thing. 太阳崇拜和历法分别代表着神话和科学,是古蜀人对同一事物的不同认识,都是古蜀文化中的重要因素。
- Some literature works say Cancong is the first king of the ancient Shu, but archeology detections prove that it has a closer relationship with toad rather than silkworm. 摘要文献记载“蜀先称王者为‘蚕丛’”,但考古发现却证明,与蜀王有关的是“蟾”,而不是“蚕”。
- Where Did Du - yu, the King of the Shu Kingdom Come From 蜀王杜宇来自何方
- The archeological discovery of Sanxingdui has encyclopedic cultural meanings, representing the inland agro cultural refulgence of Ancient Shu and thus draws the attention of the world. 三星堆考古发现以百科全书式的文化内涵,展示了古蜀内陆农业文明的辉煌。
- According to the ancient documents and archaeological materials, these ivories were very likely to be the local products and were taken as sacred things in ancient Shu people's sacrifice ceremony. 根据古代文献记载和考古资料,这些象牙很可能是本地所产,其用途是古代蜀人在祭祀活动中使用的祭献之物。
- During the past half-century, many artifacts with incised or cast inscriptions have been excavated in the ancient Shu area, proving that ancient Shu scripts and Yi scripts are related to each other. 半个多世纪来,在古蜀族活动区域发掘出较多的铸刻有铭文的文物,证明古蜀文字与彝族文字有亲缘关系。