- Ancient chinese medicin tells that feet are the reflection center of body health. We adopt various foot reflexologies to clean up the metabolic dust and get you refreshment. 千里之行始于足下”,形象地说明了脚的健康对于前途和人生的意义。瑞康的按摩师用不同的手法,针对足部相应反射区进行按摩,及时清除堆积在足部的病理产物和毒素物质,使您强身壮体,45分钟的精心足摩,会让您深感此法之舒适不可言喻。
- The \'Yin-Yang\' theory is an ancient Chinese philosophy that underlies the practice of traditional Chinese medicine. 老外说的阴阳,是简单化的阴阳,例如,正向调节和负向调节共存。
- Double language teaching of ancient Chinese medical literature is of great importance to the nurturing of external-oriented talents of Chinese medicine. 为了培养外向型中医人才,即双语人才,实施医古文中英双语教学具有特别重要的意义;
- After practicing Chinese medicine in his youth, Li spent 30 years rewriting and categorizing ancient Chinese medical books, traveling far and wide in search of specimens. 在实践中医药中国青年,李花30年的重写和分类中国古代医学书籍,旅游,广为寻找标本。
- The museum displays the specimen of ancient Chinese porcelain. 这个博物馆展出中国古瓷器标本。
- Confucius is considered the greatest of the ancient Chinese sages. 孔子被认为是中国古代最伟大的圣贤。
- Their scam was selling fake Chinese medicine to old people. 他们的骗局是卖假中药给老人。
- Many herbs are used in traditional Chinese medicine. 中医用许多草药。
- What are the four ancient Chinese capitals? 中国的四大古都是哪儿?
- Mencius was a famous ancient Chinese philosopher. 孟子是中国古代的着名思想家。
- My father hadn't much belief in doctors of traditional Chinese medicine. 我父亲不太相信中医。
- Comes from spade-shaped ancient Chinese coins. 来源于中国古代布币的外形。
- I would try Chinese medicine to cure your cold. 我要试试用中药来治你的感冒。
- I have great interest in ancient Chinese coins. 我对古钱币很有兴趣。
- Do you have any interest in ancient Chinese coins? 你对古钱币有兴趣吗?
- He had no great belief in Chinese medicine. 他不大相信中医。
- Mu Lan Ci is a famous ancient Chinese long poem. 《木兰辞》是中国古代著名的长诗。
- The Chinese medicine is a unique school of its own. 中国的医药学在世界上独树一帜。
- Feng shui is the ancient Chinese art of geomancy. 风水是中国古代一种占卜的术数。
- The Chinese medicine scholar welcome you! 中国医学者欢迎您!