- He makes a couple of slip in adding up the bill. 他合计帐单时算错两处。
- She appeared to deformation of the face. 她出现了能变形的面孔。
- He makes a couple of slip in calculating the discount. 在计算折扣时他犯了两个错误。
- Deformation of a spring is linear with the force applied on it. 弹簧的变形量与施加在其上的作用力成线性关系。
- It shows that the total loss is about 45 percent of the jacking stress in vertical tendons,and the losses due to anchorage deformation,retraction of tendons and joint compression constitute a large percentage of the total loss. 结果表明:就所研究的情形而言,实测竖向预应力总损失可达其初始张拉应力的45%25,锚具变形、钢筋回缩及接缝压缩等引起的损失占其总损失的53%25。
- I was scared of slipping on the ice. 我害怕在冰上滑倒。
- The microstructures also show that twinning cooperates with slip in the deformation of titanium at cryogenic temperature. 低温下纯钛的塑性变形方式为孪生和滑移共同作用。
- He always did possess the knack of slipping off. 他一向最会把握溜之大吉的技巧。
- Sketch the deformation of the frame corresponding to each. 画出每一种情况下的钢架变形草图。
- In general machining condition (a_p=0.3,0.7mm), the deformation of chip results from deformation on neighbouring lamellas and from shear slip on crystal face within a lamella. 研究结果说明在一般切削条件下;(a_p=0.;3;O
- He was born with a slight deformity of the feet which made him limp. 他的脚稍有先天畸形,走起路来一瘸一拐。
- The gradual plastic deformation of a solid body, as by heat. 渐变如用加热的方法造成一个固体物质缓慢的、人工的形状损坏
- Heart malformation: Deformity of the heart. 心脏畸形 (亦称先天性心脏病):先天性的心脏构造异常。
- A hump is caused by a deformity of the spine. 驼背是脊椎骨畸形所致。
- Adjust the formula of slip and glaze to meet the requirement of production. 根据生产需要调节浆釉。
- Compensates for deformation of body due to pipe stresses. 补偿阀体由于管道应力而产生的变形。
- Review and Prospect of Slip form Construction in Datong Coalmines Group Co. 同煤集团应用滑模施工技术的回顾和展望。
- He made a couple of slips in calculating the discount. 在计算折扣时,他出了几个差错。
- Yet it has a way of slipping through your fingers like quicksand. 可是它会像流沙一样从缝间溜走。
- Thus we can better understand the deformation of chert in a highly fluid form. 这样我们就能更好地理解燧石在高度流体状态时的变形情况。