- With the network of Fault Recorded Data accomplished, the management and analysis of FRD are very necessary. 随着故障录波信息联网的完成,对录波数据的管理和录波数据的分析显得非常必要。
- An economic analysis of fault liability provides a workable and objective criterion for its assessment. 过错的经济分析为过错的判断提供了可以计算的客观标准。
- The basic principle,qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis of fault tree analysis method are introduced. 介绍了故障树分析法的基本原理以及定性分析和定量分析方法。
- Based on the analysis of alarm correlation, the application of fault diagnosis system in telecommunication networksis discussed. 基于此,讨论了基于告警相关性分析的通信网故障诊断系统。
- Although the mainstream view is that all of Fault Tolerant acts constitute theft, but a serious analysis of the species that is obviously very biased. 虽然主流观点是认为所有的窃电行为都构成盗窃罪,但是认真的分析一下该种认定显然是很偏颇的。
- Based on the analysis of traditional fault management,the paper introduces central and distributed model of fault management in accordance with the speciality of telecom networks. 本文在分析传统故障管理的基础上针对电信网络的特殊性提出了集中式和分布式故障管理模型;
- Based on analysis of fault principle of the welder on hot dip galvanizing strip line, a fault diagnosis method for complex mechatronic systems has been discussed. 在分析热镀锌焊机故障机理的基础上,探讨了复杂机电系统状态监视和故障诊断的方法。
- The article introduces the structure and common fault of main shaft in KJ-type hoister and suggests some ways of fault disposal according to the analysis of the fault. 介绍了KJ型提升机主轴装置的结构及常见故障;针对故障进行认真分析,提出故障的处理方法。
- In this paper,the risk analysis of PSA miniature oxygen concentrator is carried out by means of fault tree analysis(FTA) and failure modes and effects analysis(FMEA). 介绍了FTA和FMEA分析方法,并对微型变压吸附制氧机进行了风险分析。
- Combined with analysis of fault signals, the paper applies EMD, Singular Value analysis, SVM and Shannon entropy to the extraction and analysis of transient signals. 结合对故障信号的分析,将EMD、奇异值分析、SVM、信息熵等应用到选相过程中暂态信号的提取和分析上。
- Close analysis of sales figures showed clear regional variations. 对销售额的仔细分析显示出明显的地区差别。
- We agreed with his acute analysis of the political situation. 我们都同意他对政治形势的深刻分析。
- Close analysis of sales figures shows clear regional variations. 对销售额的仔细分析显示出明显的地区差别。
- His analysis of the problem showed great perception. 他对该问题的分析显示出敏锐的洞察力。
- The synthetical analysis of faulted limestone from the Waterberg fault zone in the Damara Orogen, Namibia, Southwest Africa indicates a duplicity of the deformation of the limestone: brittle and crystalline plasticity. 对取自西南非纳米比亚Damara造山带Waterberg断层带中的细粒灰岩的变形结构与亚微结构开展的多方面综合研究 ,揭示出在流体相遍布的上部地壳环境中 ,细粒灰岩的变形属性具有双重性 :脆性与晶质塑性。
- From the analysis of the faults distributing characters,the main part of faults have two group normal fault system with "lambdoidal shape"and trending towards to NE and NS separately. 从断裂展布特征分析,其构造主体部位为北东向和近南北向两组正断层组成的“人”字形断裂系统,向东收敛,断层非常发育。
- Demography is the analysis of population variables. 人口学是对人口变量的分析。
- He has given an acute analysis of the situation. 他对形势做了深刻的分析。
- On basis of the deformational and geometrie texture analyses of main faults in Shibanxi area, model of fault space textures and their ore-control rule are studied. 本文在解析石板溪金矿区主要断层变形结构和几何结构的基础上,探讨了其空间结构模式和控矿规律。
- He made a penetrating analysis of the problem. 他把问题分析得很透彻。