- Ultra-low colo rectum anastomosis becomes the main operative pattern to preserve anal sphincter in low rectal cancer. 超低位结肠 -直肠吻合是低位直肠癌保肛手术的主要术式。
- As the energy center,transcutaneous power supply is the core of artificial anal sphincter. 经皮能量传输的无线供能技术为人工肛门括约肌系统提供能量,是系统的核心部分。
- Identify each severed end of the external anal sphincter capsule and grasp each end with an Allis clamp. 识别断裂的肛门外括约肌肌束,用艾丽丝钳钳夹。
- Straight from the anal sphincter smooth muscle wall thickening from Central Bank, the contraction to help defecation. 肛门内括约肌由直肠壁环行平滑肌增厚而成,收缩时能协助排便。
- Strangulated haemorrhoids, when the anal sphincter (ring of muscle) squeezes the prolapsed haemorrhoids and interrupts blood flow. 嵌顿痔,当肛门括约肌挤压了脱垂的痔的时候将阻断血运,造成嵌顿痔。
- The rectal volume for sustained relaxation of the anal sphincter tone was significantly higher in spina bifida patients than in controls (P<0.001). 诱发持续性直肠肛管抑制反射所需直肠气囊容量在脊柱裂患者组显著性高于对照组(P<0.;001)。
- Conclusion: The functional innervation to the rectum and anal sphincter have a minor dominance but a major overlapping among different sacral roots. 结论:不同神经根对直肠、肛门的功能支配,既有侧重,又有交叉。
- The longitudinal muscle and the intern al anal sphincter in front of the upper part of anal canal were found to be blen ded with the perineal body. 耻骨直肠肌与前列腺提肌(或耻骨阴道肌)共同起于耻骨支后面和肛提肌腱弓前部,位于耻骨尾骨肌外下方同一层次上,两者间无明显分界。
- Objective To explore the practical value of single-layer interrupted suture in the anal sphincter reservation for low rectal carcinoma. 目的探讨一层间断缝合法在低位直肠癌保肛手术中的应用价值。
- The insertion itself should be very slow, and, once inside, the penis should not be moved for a while until the anal sphincter is completely relaxed. 插入本身应该非常缓慢,而一旦进入肛门,有一阵子不应该抽动阴茎,直到肛门括约肌完全放松为止。
- Conclusion At this institution, women undergoing BAC are at similarly high risk of anal sphincter laceration, compared with nulliparous women. 结论:通过此研究,经行剖宫产后的妇女对比未经产妇女的肛门括约肌撕裂伤有着类似的高风险。
- Conclusion At this institution, women undergoing VBAC are at similarly high risk of anal sphincter laceration, compared with nulliparous women. 结论:通过此研究,经行剖宫产后的妇女对比未经产妇女的肛门括约肌撕裂伤有着类似的高风险。
- Methods:Thirty-two patients with incontinence after anoplasty for imperforate anus underwent reconstruction of external anal sphincter and anorectal angle with gracilis muscle. 方法:对32例先天性肛门闭锁肛门成形术后大便失禁患者用股薄肌重建肛门外括肌并重建直肠肛管角。
- Objective To discuss the role of external anal sphincter electromyography(EAS-EMG) in evaluating the autonomic system dysfunction of multiple system atrophy(MSA). 目的探讨肛门括约肌肌电图(EAS-EMG)在评价多系统萎缩(MSA)患者自主神经功能障碍方面的作用。
- This article researches into the core operation part of the artificial anal sphincter system,introducing a novel micro-pump based on the nut and screw structure. 研究了人造肛门括约肌系统中的核心装置,提出了一种基于螺母丝杆结构的新型微泵,根据微泵的功率要求设计了无线能量传输模块,并进行了样机实验。
- The vectorial manometry can be an objective comprehensive tool for the evaluation of anal sphincter function in patients with intersphincteric resection. 直肠肛管向量测压技术是评估低位直肠癌患者行经内外括约肌间切除术后肛门括约肌功能较客观的方法。
- The test indicates that the pump can satisfy the basic requirement of the artificial anal sphincter system which can therefore control the anal incontinence. 测试结果表明该泵可以满足人造肛门括约肌系统的基本功能,该系统可以有效地控制肛门失禁问题。
- Two cases died,the other six were alive.[Conclusion]Vagina reconstruction in posterior pelvic exenteration can preserve sexual and anal sphincter function,and can improve qu... 后盆腔清除术后作阴道后壁重建,可保留正常的性功能和肛门功能,能有效提高术后生活质量。
- Method:Inform the patients of the importance of the training,stimulate the anal sphincter and rectum,functional train of the pelvic muscles,and plug the anus with tampons. 方法:(1)对患者说明大便训练的重要性,以取得患者的合作。(2)刺激肛门括约肌、直肠。(3)盆底肌功能训练。
- Bacterial or viral infection of the intestine may result in explosive watery diarrhea, tenesmus (spasmodic contraction of anal sphincter with pain and persistent desire to defecate), and abdominal cramping pain. 肠道被细菌或病毒感染,引起暴发性水泻、里急后重(肛门括约肌痉挛性收缩伴疼痛,一直想要排便)及腹部绞痛。