- According to an unwritten rule in old families, grandparents were expected to pay for the grandson's wet nurse. 依照旧家庭的不成文法,孙子的乳母应当由祖父母出钱雇的。
- Women are not allowed to wear skirts in this company, this is an unwritten rule. 该公司的女员工不能穿裙子上班,这是一条不成文的规定。
- For a long time, commercial bribery has been wandering in between laws as an unwritten rule. 长期以来,商业贿赂一直徘徊在法律关系作为一个不成文的规矩。
- Meetings must not be like court rituals in which no one dares to express an opinion because of an unwritten rule that final decisions have already been made from above. 避免会议像一次法庭审讯,也要避免这种现象:没有人敢于发表意见,因为存在一个不成文的规定,上面已经做出了最后决定。
- It is an unwritten rule. 这是一条不成文的规定。
- For 60 years, an unwritten rule has decreed that the US President picks the World Bank chief , while Europe selects the head of its affiliated institution, the International Monetary Fund. 60年来,有一条不成文的规定,即世行行长由美国总统挑选,而其分支机构国际货币基金组织的主席由欧洲选择。
- This is an unwritten constitution. 这是一个不成文的法规。
- He bore the unwritten rule in mind. 他牢记那条不成文的规矩。
- Britain has an unwritten constitution, and the United States has a written constitution. 英国有不成文的宪法,美国有成文的宪法。
- His behavior transgressed the unwritten rules of social conduct. 他的行为违反了不成文的社交规范。
- It's an unwritten law around here that everyone fetches his own coffee, even the managers. 这儿有一条不成文法,即每人自己去取咖啡,哪怕是经理也是如此。
- According to an unwritten rule in old families, grandparents were expected to pay for the grandson's wet nurse 依照旧家庭的不成文法,孙子的乳母应当由祖父母出钱雇的。
- Now, probably for the first time, a hat-seller in Bonn has broken the unwritten rule by advertising his products using an image of the Nazi dictator. ?? 现在,或许是第一次,在波恩,有一个帽子商人使用这个纳粹独裁者的形象为自己的产品做广告,打破了这条不成文的规则。
- We have an unwritten understanding that nobody leaves before five o'clock. 我们有个默契,五点钟以前谁都不离开。
- The New Year is set before us like an unwritten volume, all its pages blank. 新的一年就象一本没有内容的书摆在我们面前,每一页都是空白的。
- Plus,even dress down days have their unwritten rules. 况且即使是着装轻松的日子仍有其不成文的规定。
- They sinned against the unwritten rules of the school. 他们违反了学校的不成文规定。
- Without unwritten rules civilized life would be impossible. 没有不成文的规章,就不会有文明生活。
- Britain has an unwritten constitution, and the United State has a written constitution. 英国有不成文的宪法,美国有成文的宪法。
- They sinned against the unwritten rules of this meeting. 他们违反了这次会议的不成文规定。