- During most of the eighteenth century there was an uneasy peace. 在18世纪的大部分时间里,罗马未得安宁。
- The nuclear deterrent has maintained an uneasy peace. 核威慑一直使和平处于不稳定状态。
- Over the course of our 12-year marriage we'd made an uneasy peace with the diagnosis. 由于该项诊断的影响,我们婚后12年多的平静生活中夹杂着不安。
- The area has enjoyed an uneasy peace since then, the land alternately rising and falling with the passing decades. 从那时候起,这个地区就不再安宁了,在过去的几十年里,这片土地时而隆起、时而下陷。
- Foreigners who left Formosa a few days ago say that an uneasy peace had been established almost everywhere, but executions and arrests continued. 几天前刚离开福尔摩沙的外国人士表示,各地已经确立紧张的表面平静,但是枪决与逮捕仍然持续进行。
- While the Portuguese manager was winning back-to-back League titles, an uneasy peace lingered - but when result***egan to slip, Abramovich's displeasure became obvious. 当葡萄牙人得到连续的联赛奖杯的时候,内部勉强平静了下了,不过当结果开始出现问题时,阿布的不满开始明显了。
- They had an uneasy suspicion that all was not well. 他们有一种令人不安的猜疑,所有的事都不太妙。
- I had an uneasy feeling that sb. was watching me. 有人在盯着看我,我感到挺不自在。
- The two sides reached an uneasy compromise. 两方达成了一个并不令人愉快的妥协。
- As such an uneasy opporunity, watch youself. 有这样的机会不容易,希望你好自为之。
- They have an uneasy suspicion that all are not well. 他们十分不安,怀疑并非一切顺利。
- an uneasy peace 不安定的和平
- She woke from an uneasy sleep to find the house empty. 她睡得不安稳,醒来时发现屋子里空无一人。
- The two sides eventually reached an uneasy compromise. 双方最终达成了暂时的妥协。
- She had an uneasy feeling that they were still following her. 她有一种他们仍在跟踪她的不安感觉。
- She had an uneasy feeling that she was unlikely to get the job. 她有一种不安的感觉,觉得自己不可能得到那份工作。
- And I have an uneasy feeling he had something there. 我有一种不安的感觉:他的话不无道理。
- With an uneasy mood, I wandered to the window bemusedly. 怀着茫然的不安,我信步走到窗前。
- Hollingsworth quickly becomes the centre of an uneasy sexual triangle. 霍宁沃思很快成了难解难分的男女三角关系的中心。
- Belinda's attendant spirits have an uneasy foreboding of catastrophe. 伺候贝琳达的精灵们不安地预感到灾难即将来临。