- We're continuing to assess the event to determine the veracity of the claim made by the North Korean government that they conducted an underground nuclear test. 我们仍在对朝鲜政府所做的地下核试验的声明的真实性进行评估。
- "Chosun Ilbo" quotes an anonymous government source as saying that Pyongyang appears to be ready to conduct an underground nuclear test in the near future. 朝鲜日报星期四的一篇报导援引一位不具姓名的政府官员的话说,平壤看来已准备好不久将进行一次地下核试验。
- North Korea test-fired short-range missiles and conduct an underground nuclear test, leading to investors in the region geopolitical concerns and mounting risk. 朝鲜试射短程导弹和进行地下核试验,导致投资者对该地区地缘政治风险的担忧情绪加剧。
- this is the first time k.c.n.a. has reported on mr. kim's activities since north korea conducted an underground nuclear test last week. 这是北韩上星期进行地下核试验以来,朝中社首次报导金正日的活动。
- an underground nuclear test 地下核试验
- In 1957, the United States conducted its first underground nuclear test, in the Nevada desert. 1957年的今天,美国在内华达州的沙漠下进行了第一次地下核试验。
- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) conducted a "successful underground nuclear test" Monday, shocking China and the world alike. 朝鲜人民民主主义共和国周一成功的进行了一次地下核试验,震惊中国和全世界。
- The DPRK successfully conducted its 2nd underground nuclear test Monday morning, the country's official KCNA news agency said. 朝鲜中央通讯社25日报道,朝鲜当天上午再次成功地进行了地下核试验。
- Following Pyongyang's underground nuclear test last October, China beefed up its border security. Undeterred, North Koreans keep on wading the Tumen River. 随着平壤去年十月的地下核试验,中国加强了边界安全。不过朝鲜人并未被吓阻,他们继续涉过图们江。
- If confirmed, the test would be the first of its kind since Pakistan detonated an underground nuclear weapon in May 1998, said Hans Kristensen of the Federation of American Scientists in Washington. 华盛顿的美国科学家协会成员汉斯.;克里斯腾森说:如果该实验得到确认,那么这将是自巴基斯坦在1998年五月引爆地下核武器以来所进行的首次核实验。朝鲜将是第八个公开成功地进行核实验的国家。
- The USSR and the United States act a ceiling of 150 kilotons on underground nuclear tests. 苏联和美国规定了不超过15万吨级的地下核试验限制。
- North Korea says it's set off an underground nuclear explosion today, a powerful blast that drew immediate worldwide condemnation. 今天,朝鲜宣称它引爆了一颗地下原子核,一颗立即引起全世界谴责的强有力的炸弹。
- North Korean newsreader says the country "successfully conducted one more underground nuclear test," demonstrating what Pyongyang calls its "self-defensive nuclear deterrent" to the entire world. 北韩的媒体也证实了这次核试验。一名北韩播音员说,北韩成功地进行了一次地下核试验,向整个世界证明了,北韩拥有所谓的“自卫核威慑力量”。
- South Korea's Yonhap news agency quotes an unnamed South Korean government source as saying there are signs of activity near the site of North Korea's 2006 underground nuclear test. 今年8月,布什总统决定不将北韩从国务院列出的支持恐怖主义国家的名单上除名,原因就是北韩拖延就核查机制达成协议。
- India,going against the international trend of peace,conducted five underground nuclear tests within 48 hours. 印度逆国际和平潮流而动,在48小时内进行了五次地下核试验。
- Recently they have laid an underground pipeline. 最近他们铺设了一条地下管道。
- After some underground nuclear tests, large numbers of ting aftershocks were recorded during the next few weeks. 在进行某些地下核实验以后的几周里,可以记录到大量微弱的余震。
- The prisoner escaped by digging an underground tunnel. 囚犯挖了一条地道逃跑了。
- There is an underground car park near the supermarket. 这个超市附近有一个地下停车场。
- An underground passage leads to the building across the street. 一条地下通道通到街对面的大楼。