- Nicklaus still holds an unbeaten record of five U.S.PGA championships, six U.S.Masters titles, and four U.S.Opens. 很难相信如今这个价值高达数百万美元的国际性工业,是从随便拿根棍子,在沙丘上挥打鹅卵石这种微不足道的运动发展起来的。
- Arsenal, not that long ago, set an unbeaten record in the Barclaycard Premiership and looked ready to reach not only the FA Cup Final but also the semi-finals of the European Cup. 不久前,阿森纳创造了英超不败的开局纪录,看上去不仅要进入足总杯决赛,而且也要进入欧洲冠军杯半决赛。
- So Chelsea beat Arsenal for the first time in ten years in the League, and set an unbeaten record of 39 games at Stamford Bridge. 因此切尔西在十年间,首次于联赛中战胜了阿森纳,同时创下了斯坦福侨球场39场不败的纪录。
- Liverpool lost to Leeds, ending an unbeaten run of 18 games. 利物浦队输给了利兹队,结束了连续18场不败的纪录。
- We must bear down to keep our unbeaten record intact. 我们必须努力保持不败的记录。
- The trailblazer dare take an unbeaten is immortal forever. 敢于走前人没有走过的路的拓荒者,永远是不朽的。
- 'But I would change three draws for two victories and a defeat,' Mourinho quickly pointed out, 'because points are more important than an unbeaten record. “但我还是宁愿把三常平局变为两场胜利和一场失利。”穆里尼奥很快指出“因为积分比不败记录重要的多。”
- an unbeaten record 未打破的纪录
- They will be putting their unbeaten record to the test next Saturday. 下周六他们的不败纪录将要受到考验。
- The trailblazer that dare take an unbeaten track is immortal forever. 敢于开拓的人,永远是不朽的。
- maintain an unbeaten record 保持不败
- What kind of way is that to prepare for a match against an unbeaten team 58 hours later? 如何预备这场与本保持不败的球队的比赛呢,留给球队的时间只有58个小时了。
- In the end, Shanghai, Shaanxi, Hebei, Jiangsu are a strong group unbeaten record into the quarter-finals. 最终,上海、陕西、河北、江苏均以小组赛不败战绩强势挺进八强。
- Mourinho has also spoken about the challenge posed by Portsmouth who arrive at the Bridge, like Chelsea, an unbeaten side. 穆里尼奥同样谈论了将要来访斯坦福桥的朴茨茅斯的挑战,他们和切尔西一样,还未尝败绩。
- Jia Xiuquan to continue his sailing stadium in Zhengzhou unbeaten record, but this time his identity is the implementation of the Shenhua coach. 贾秀全继续着他在郑州航海体育场的不败纪录,只是这一次他的身份是申花的执行教练。
- Liverpool's youth team will return home from their end-of-season tour to America this weekend boasting a proud unbeaten record. 红军青年队将于本周末回家,他们在赛季末去美国的旅行中取得了辉煌的不败战绩。
- Laudable that the Chinese team on a 40-win unbeaten record of the final cut, and the only tie with the Brazilian team is fighting as 1:1. 值得称道的是,中国队是以四胜一平的不败战绩晋级决赛的,而唯一的平局便是与巴西队战成1:1。
- There are points for clean sheets and goals scored, whilst a team's winning margin also counts towards the total, and managers are also rewarded for maintaining an unbeaten run. 比赛中如果不失球或得分都能够得到相应积分,同时一个队伍的净胜差数同样会计算在总分之列,并且同样的,教练也会因为保持不败而获得相应奖励。
- Arsenal will be looking to extend an unbeaten Premier League run to 20 games on Sunday against Middlesbrough prior to the match at Old Trafford next Wednesday. 阿森纳期待在下周三挑战老特拉福德之前,能在周日对米德尔斯堡的比赛中将自己英超不败纪录延续到20场。