- A sheet of water for cultivating oysters is an oyster farm. 一湾培养蠔的水就是蠔饲养
- A trout farm;an oyster farm. 鳟鱼养殖场;牡蛎养殖场
- The man is as dumb as an oyster. 那人极少说话。
- What a delicious thing is an oyster! 牡蛎可真是好东西。
- You're enough to try the patience of an oyster! 你这样罗嗦,就是牡蛎都忍耐不了。
- Some time ago,deep in the sea there was an oyster. 从前,在深海中有一只牡蛎。
- He speared an Oyster Rockefeller. 他叉了一只洛克菲勒牡蛎。
- Some time ago, deep in the sea there was an oyster. 从前,在深海中有一只牡蛎。
- He was a bold man that first ate an oyster. 第一个吃牡蛎的人是一个勇敢的人。
- He speared an Oyster Rockefeller . 他叉了一只洛克菲勒牡蛎。
- an oyster farm 牡蛎养殖场
- a trout farm; an oyster farm. 鳟鱼养殖场;牡蛎养殖场
- You can trust him with anything. He is as close as an oyster. 你干什么事情都可放心同他讲,他这个人守口如瓶。
- You can trust him with everything. He is as close as an oyster. 你什么事情都可放心地对他讲,他是个守口如瓶的人。
- The net cage of the pearl oyster farm coated with XLP paint, the biomass of fouling organisms on the net cage was also lower than the control. 经防污涂料处理后的养殖网笼具,其附着生物量也明显低于对照组;
- You can trust him with anything.He is as close as an oyster. 你干什么事情都可放心同他讲,他这个人守口如瓶。
- You can trust him with everything.He is as close as an oyster. 你什么事情都可放心地对他讲,他是个守口如瓶的人。
- A noise annoys an oyster,but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more! 声音令牡蛎烦恼,但是嘈杂的声音更让牡蛎烦躁不安。
- We wonder the fact while he keeps dumb as an oyster. 我们想要知道实情,他却守口如瓶。
- A noise annoys an oyster, but a noisy noise annoys an oyster more! 声音令牡蛎烦恼,但是嘈杂声音更让牡蛎烦躁不安。