- A game played on an oblong table with a cue and balls. 台球游戏用球杆和球在长方形桌上玩的一种游戏
- a game played on an oblong table with a cue and balls 戏用球杆和球在长方形桌上玩的一种游戏
- An oblong box in which a corpse is buried. 棺材掩埋尸体的长方形箱
- An oblong basketlike bed for an infant. 婴儿睡篮一种婴儿用的长方形象篮子状的床
- An oblong slip of newspaper had appeared between O'Brien's fingers. 奥勃良手指中间夹着一张剪报。
- It was an oblong wire cage with a handle on top for carrying it by. 那是一只椭圆形的铁笼子,上面有个把手可以提起来。
- an oblong table 长方桌
- Something, such as an oblong peninsula, that resembles one of the digits of the hand. 指状物象手指的东西,例如延伸的半岛
- An oblong metal ring with a spring clip, used in mountaineering to attach a running rope to a piton or similar device. 铁锁一种登山时使用的带弹簧夹子的长方形铁环,把滑动的绳子固定在岩钉或类似装置上
- A Japanese instrument similar to a zither,having7 to 13 silk strings stretched over an oblong box. 古琴一种类似于齐特琴的日本乐器,在一个长方形的盒子上有七到十三根弦
- The voice came from an oblong metal plaque like a dulled mirror which formed part of the surface of the right-hand wall. 这声音打一块长方形的金属嵌板传出来,金属板像块模糊的镜子,镶在右边的墙上。
- A Japanese instrument similar to a zither, having7to13silk strings stretched over an oblong box. 古琴一种类似于齐特琴的日本乐器,在一个长方形的盒子上有七到十三根弦
- An oblong metal ring with a spring clip,used in mountaineering to attach a running rope to a piton or similar device. 这使我们能够舒舒服服地洗上一个澡,并且在首次登山之后普遍地感到从容自若。
- A Japanese instrument similar to a zither, having7 to13 silk strings stretched over an oblong box. 古琴一种类似于齐特琴的日本乐器,在一个长方形的盒子上有七到十三根弦
- Corona lobes triangular-ovate, shorter than or as long as gynostegium, apex obtuse, with an oblong adaxial appendage. 副花冠裂片三角状卵形,短于或等长于合蕊冠,先端钝,具一长圆形附属物。
- Zheng is generally made of candlenut wood, has an oblong sound box with a curved top and strings with individual frets which can be moved right and left to modulate the notes. 筝一般用梧桐木制成,长方形音箱,弧形面板,面上张弦,每弦一柱,左右移动柱码可调节音高。
- natural colour embroidered oblong table cloth 本色绣花长台布
- The dining-room was an oblong apartment, with a fireplace, which had a door opening on the street (as we have said), and a window opening on the garden. 那餐室是一间长方形的屋子,有个壁炉,门对着街(我们已经说过),窗子对着花园。
- An old wooden box did duty for a table. 把旧木箱当作桌子。
- A liturgical vestment consisting of an oblong piece of white linen worn around the neck and shoulders and partly under the alb. 礼拜用僧衣披肩教士做礼拜时围在颈部和肩部,部分套在僧袍下面的长方形布领,通常用白麻布制成