- I've just had an interview for a post and I think I've got it. 我申请工作刚刚进行过面谈,我想我得到这个工作了。
- Can you arrange an interview for tomorrow? 你可以安排在明天面谈吗?
- I'll make an appointment for an interview for you. 我想为你约定一个面试的时间。
- Yes, I have an interview for a job. 有安排,我得去参加工作面试。
- I need to schedule an interview for Thursday. 我需要安排时间星期四面谈。
- Can I set up an interview for tomorrow? 我可以约在明天面谈吗?
- I have an interview for a new job tomorrow. 我要找新的工作,明天有次面试。
- In an interview for a post it is often the person who knows how to set out his stall that comes off best. 在求职的面试中,常常是懂得如何巧妙展示自己的资格和才艺的人结果最好。
- Nothing.Only that I failed in an interview for a job. 没什么。只是没通过求职面试。
- Mr Jackey would like to set an interview for earlier next week. 雅可布先生想在下周早些时候约你面谈一次。
- Ashley Cole has given an interview for the first time as a Chelsea player. A科尔作为切尔西球员,第一次接受切尔西电视台的采访。
- Sweeney.Mr.Jacobs would like to set up an interview for early next week. 雅可布先生想在下周早些时候约你面谈一次。
- We've had to postpone going to France because Tom's got an interview for a job that week. 我们已不得不延期去法国,因为汤姆那周有个求职面试。
- Eddie,fresh out of accounting school,went to an interview for a good paying job. 翻译:埃迪刚刚从会计学校毕业,去应聘一个薪酬丰厚的职位。
- The inviter should go to the Immigration Office of Bolivia to take an interview for stating the invitation details. 邀请人须到玻利维亚移民局外事处(或签证处)面访,说明邀请情况。
- He asked for an interview with the president. 他要求与校长会晤。
- They also told me that I’ll do an interview for TVE tomorrow here at the tournament. 我知道如果我要输给什么人,他就是那个我输掉以后不会太过介意的。
- Yes, and my sister Emily told me she has an interview for an internship at a law firm. With her people skills, I am sure she will get it. 没错,像Emily那样讨人喜欢的人,那律师事务所肯定会要她去实习的。
- The 26-year-old royal opened up in an interview for a children's television program, answering questions from a young cancer patient at London's renowned Royal Marsden hospital. 在被问及童年梦想时,威廉回答说:“很久以前,我想当一名警察,那时候我还很小。但不久我就意识到,这可能不是个好主意。”
- As part of an interview for GQ magazine which is featured in The Sun, Ryan Giggs puts the boot in on the soccer mercenaries who sell their soul to the highest bidder. 每日快报其他新闻,坎通纳把罗纳尔多离开曼联加盟皇马的决定形容为“非常愚蠢”。