- He was an inhuman tyrant. 他是个没有人性的暴君。
- I am not an inhuman disposition, sir. 我不是冷血动物,先生。
- That man is an inhuman monster ! 那人是残暴的恶魔!
- Currently, it's an inhuman religion. 目前它就是反人类的宗教。
- an inhuman tyrant 残忍的暴君
- Now ... he's become nothing more than an inhuman killing machine. 现在;他已经变成一个非人的杀戮机器了.
- You do remember an inhuman tenseness of muscle and nerves. 你能想起来只是超出人体承受的肌肉强直、神经紧绷。”
- He was paler than ever, tired, but his eyes showed with an inhuman fire. 他比以往更加苍白、满脸倦容,然而两眼却发出一种奇异的光芒。
- Joseph: Now...he's become nothing more than an inhuman killing machine... (约瑟夫:他已经完成了“圣母升天”仪式,创造了这个畸形的世界)
- I don't think he's an inhumane man. 我认为他不是一个没有人性的人。
- It is said that a half of Chinese population live a life of human while the other live an inhuman life. 有人说:有一半的中国人过的是人的生活,而另一半却过着非人的生活。
- You feel lost, sick at heart before such unmasked hatred, not so much because it threatens you as because it shows humans in such an inhuman light. 面对这毫不掩饰的仇恨,你感到不知所措,惶恐不安,这倒不是因为它威胁了你,而是因为它显示了人类居然如此没有人性。
- The dehumanized relation of capital to labour saturates the entire social structure; "an inhuman power" rules everything. 整个社会结构充满着资本对劳动的非人的关系;“一种非人的权力”统治着一切。
- She only knew she had left her tired body and floated somewhere above it where there was no pain and weariness and her brain saw things with an inhuman clarity. 她只知道自己摆脱了疲乏的身躯,飘浮到上边什么地方,那里没有痛苦和辛劳,她的脑子能以超凡的透明度洞察周围的一切。
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- An inhuman religion is no religion, inhuman politics is foolish politics, inhuman art is just bad art, and the inhuman way of life is the beast's way of life. 一个不文明的宗教称不上宗教,野蛮的政治是愚蠢的政治,不文明的艺术是不好的艺术,野蛮的生活方式是野兽的生活方式。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。