- There is an infinite number of stars in the sky. 天上有无数的星星。
- There is an infinite number of primes. 素数的数目是无限的。
- There is an infinite number of harmonic-frequency components. 这里存在着数目无穷的谐频分量。
- The Milk Way is composed of an infinite number of radiant stars. 银河是由无数的发光体-星星组成的。
- A circle is made up of an infinite number of points. 圆是由无数个点组成的。
- The real magic, though, is that we can create an infinite number of indices, each one representing its own key and containing a copy of the token. 然而真正神奇的是,我们能够创建无限数量的索引,每一个代表它自己的键值并包含一个令牌副本。
- ZFC has an infinite number of axioms because the Replacement axiom is actually an axiom schema. ZFC有无穷多个公理,因为替代公理实际上是公理模式。
- Given any finite set of axioms, we have an infinite number of truths that are unprovable in that system. 给定任何有限个公设,在该系统内都会有无穷多个无法证明的事实。
- Fresh solutions result from disassembling and reassembling the building blocks in an infinite number of ways. 而新的答案则来自以无数种方式将砌砖拆解、重组后所得。
- Ask different travelers what their must-haves are on a trip and you’ll get an infinite number of varying answers. 去询问一些不同的旅行者, 他们在旅行过程中最必需的东西是什么,你会得到很多不同的答案。
- In the limit of zero mesh size, requiring an infinite number of equations, the FEM solution to the PDE would be exact. 当单元无限细分后,则需要无穷多个方程进行求解,此时FEM的解将等价于理论解。
- There are an infinite number of systems or universes between matter and antimatter. 在物质和反物质之间,存在无限的系统或宇宙。
- As the zigzags narrow to nothingness, an infinite number of them get squeezed in. 锯齿的宽度越来越窄,最后就会有无穷多个锯齿挤在一起。
- "Say, did you know that all horses have an infinite number of legs?""What?""Yeah," I say, pausing the DVR. 它本质上是一个问题,你最信任的是什么:是足智多谋的人类,还是能无限获取信息、并快速反应的计算机?
- If every second of our lives recurs an infinite number of times, we are nailed to eternity as Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross. 如果我们生命的每一秒钟都有无数次的重复,我们就会像耶稣钉于十字架,被钉死在永恒上。
- IF YOU'VE EVER GOTTEN A POST CARD FROM SAN FRANCISCO, THERE'S A GOOD CHANCE THAT BARON WOLMAN TOOK THE PICTURE."There's an infinite number of views. 我永远不会忘记我第一次见到它的时候,它是那么的神秘 那么的独特。
- Our scenario is analogous to an infinite number of explorers embarking on all possible paths through every minimum in the landscape. 我们的方案可以比喻成有无限多位探险家,以所有可能的路径旅行,穿越地景上的每一处极小值。
- Significantly, these rules can generate an infinite number of sentences, and sentences with infinite length, due to their recursive properties. 由于这些短语规则的循环性,运用它们可以造出无数句子,这些句子又可以是无限长的。
- He saw in a vision the Ultimate Cause of the universe as a huge luminous triangle giving birth every moment to an infinite number of worlds. 他看见了宇宙终极起因的异像,是一个巨大的明亮三角形,每一刻都产生出无限数目的世界。