- The present railway collision is an inevitable accident in the eye of law. 此次火车相撞事件,就法律观点来看是一场无法避免的灾祸。
- It is an inevitable law of nature. 这是不可避免的自然规律。
- Compromise is an inevitable part of life. 妥协是生活不可避免的一部份。
- As an inevitable consequence;necessarily. 无法避免的;必然地
- It was an inevitable consequence of the decision. 那是这个决定的必然后果。
- an inevitable disaster 不可避免的灾难
- As an inevitable consequence; necessarily. 无法避免的;必然地
- Market diversification is an inevitable trend. 市场多元化是一个不可逆转的趋势。
- The canyon unfolds in an inevitable sequence. 峡谷按照必然的顺序显露出来。
- But there is an inevitable corollary of this. 如此一来,会产生一个难以避免的结果。
- Death is an inevitable part of life. 死亡是人生的必经阶段。
- A difficult operation may not succeed, it's an inevitable gamble. 这样难度很大的手术可能不成功,但这是一次非做不可的冒险。
- Urbanization is an inevitable trend of social development. 城市化是社会发展的必然趋势。
- Gaining weight is not an inevitable part of getting older. 年龄增长不一定导致发胖。
- After the separation, pain and grief is an inevitable exist. 分开之后的疼痛与悲伤是必然存在的。
- Information systems centralizing is an inevitable direction. 摘要信息系统集中化是信息化发展的必然趋势。
- It should be pointed out that this was an inevitable phenomenon at that time. 应该指出,这是当时必然会出现的现象。
- She became at last an inevitable figure at all respectable entertainments. 她后来终于成为各种体面集会上不可缺少的人物。
- There is an inevitable conflict between generalization and specialization. 多学科综合研究与专门学科单项研究之间存在着不可避免的矛盾。
- We're not, as some would have us believe, doomed to an inevitable decline. 我们不像有些八要我们相信的那样注定要不可避免地衰落。