- The function is not a normal press conference but an inauguration ceremony of the president. (这个集会可不是一般的记者招待会,而是总统的就职典礼。)
- A gala ball after the inaugural ceremony. 就职典礼仪式后的庆祝舞会
- Participate in the inaugural ceremony? 参加开幕典礼?
- The 3,000 megawatt (MW) power link went into commercial operation on Dec. 9 during an inauguration ceremony at the Huaxin HVDC receiver station on the outskirts of Shanghai, China's largest city. 该3,000兆瓦电力线在12月9日开始投入商业运营,这天在上海这个中国最大城市的市郊的华新HVDC换流站举办了投产庆祝典礼。
- China has decided to take measures to improve its community health service system, according to officialsattending an inauguration ceremony for building pilot communities with a better health service system. 根据出席飞行社区建筑奠基仪式上的,国家健康及国内事务部门官员的讲话表示,我国已经下定了要采取措施改善全民社区健康服务体制的决心。
- Chinese President Jiang Zemin, who was on an inspection tour of Hainan, attended and addressed the Forum's inaugural ceremony. 正在海南考察工作的国家主席江泽民出席了成立大会并致辞。
- Supreme Court Justices at President's Inaugural Ceremony. 哦,法官袍啊。
- How many people participated in the inaugural ceremony? 多少人参加了开幕典礼?
- The President gave an inaugural speech when he took office. 总统上任时发表了就职演说。
- an inaugural ceremony 就职 [开幕] 典礼
- an inauguration ceremony; a topping out ceremony; an inauguration 落成典礼
- The inaugural ceremony for the Harting Group's Asia-Pacific Research and Production Center was held on July 14th at the Technological Innovation Beach. 雅迫科技集团将在珠海设立其亚太区的研发制造中心,投资揭幕仪式14日在科技创新海岸举行。
- Back he came two weeks ago announcing at his inaugural ceremony: “I feel capable of almost anything. 两周前他卷土重来,在就职典礼上公布“我觉得几乎可以无所不能。”
- New York Chinese Consul General Peng Keyu invited to attend the inaugural ceremony. 中国驻纽约总领事彭克玉应邀出席了首航仪式。
- I would like to thank the Institute of Bankers for inviting me to attend this inaugural ceremony of its Beijing Representative Office. 首先,感谢香港银行学会邀请我出席学会北京代表处的开幕典礼。
- Between the two sides in HNA Airport Group Yichang Three Gorges Airport held a ceremony and the inaugural ceremony at the airport held a forum. 双方在海航机场集团宜昌三峡机场举行了首航庆典仪式并在机场贵宾室召开座谈会。
- The inaugural ceremony, the new Deputy Mayor Lin random led to Xi'an, with the well-being of airline executives for further talks. 首航仪式后,林新副市长带队随机前往西安,与幸福航空高层进行进一步会谈。
- The electronics firm LG, a global sponsor of the world championship, is backing a campaign in the central European country to select a location for an inaugural Polish grand prix. 电子公司LG电子,全球赞助商的世界锦标赛,是支持的运动在中欧国家中选择一个位置的开幕波兰大奖赛.
- Thousands of finely dressed Cameroonians danced and sang at the roadside this week as Pope Benedict XVI arrived on an inaugural African tour that will also take in Angola. 上千名喀麦隆人盛装着在街头载歌载舞欢迎教宗本笃十六世的来访。这是教宗此次非洲之行的一部分,不日教宗还将前往安哥拉。
- Being the first systematic analysis and holistic theoretical study carried out by local Macanese graduate student, this thesis holds an inaugural significance. 本论文是澳门本土硕士研究生首次对澳门小说进行系统的梳理和理论探讨,故具有开拓意义。