- Occurring or done at an inappropriate time; inopportune. 不适当的在一个不适当的时候出现的或做的; 时间上不利的
- In an inappropriate or inopportune manner. 不合时宜地采取一种不合适或不恰当的方式地
- How to report an inappropriate message? 怎样汇报不恰当的讯息?
- This is an inappropriate and narrow views. 这是不适当的和狭隘的见解。
- An inappropriate or unwelcome addition. 打扰不合适的或不受欢迎的加入
- an inappropriate gift 不相宜的礼物
- Done or occurring at an inappropriate time; untimely. 不合时宜的在不合适的时间进行或发生的;不合时的。
- Done or occurring at an inappropriate time;untimely. 不合时宜的在不合适的时间进行或发生的;不合时的
- He meant well, though he said it in an inappropriate way. 他本意是好的,只是说话方式不好。
- An inappropriate call to an object is made, based on the object state. 根据对象的状态,对某个对象进行不适当的调用。
- Ben Finn Finnegan: This is such an inappropriate time to dwell on that! 本?费尼肯:也许这不是一个讨论这件事的好时机。
- Encountering a wrong person at an inappropriate time is a nightmare. 在错的时候与错的人相遇,是一场梦。
- Ben "Finn" Finnegan This is such an inappropriate time to dwell on that! 本费尼肯:也许这不是一个讨论这件事的好时机。
- Encountering the right person at an inappropriate time can only lead to a sigh. 在错的时候与对的人相遇,是一声叹息。
- All cultures draw lines between what is an appropriate and what is an inappropriate social distance for different types of relationship. 对于不同关系的人,所有的文化都明确指出了什么样的社交距离是恰当的,什么样的社交距离是不恰当的,而它们之间的区别则在于恰当与不恰当是如何界定的。
- From WIPO's view, it was an inappropriate generalization that weakened the debate. 根据WIPO的观点,这是一种不适当的归纳方法,削弱了辩论的力度。
- An inappropriate one, i.e., one that is similar, but different in subtle, but important ways, can lead to errors. 相反不恰当的背景,如:既相似但在重要的地方又存在细微的差别,将导致错误。
- Characterized by an inappropriate or unfair proportional distribution of representatives to a legislative body. 分配不公的尤指某个立法机构中的代表分配不均或不公平的。
- I am sorry I showed my appreciation to your hospitality in an inappropriate way. 我很抱歉我用了不适合的方式来表达对你好客的感谢.
- That charity which is given disrespectfully and scornfully at an inappropriate place and time to one unworthy is described as of the nature of nescience. 在不适当的时间,地点,向不配接受的人,不恭敬,轻蔑地给予的施舍就被称为是具无知劣性的。