- An impudent or saucy girl or woman. 小妞,小姑娘厚颜无耻的或莽撞无礼的女孩或妇女
- an impudent misrepresentation. 一篇无耻的不实报导。
- It's an impudent young wine but I think you will find it quite potable. 这是刚酿出来的新酒,但是我认为你会发现它很有喝头。
- I should be taken for an impudent creature that had forged such a thing to go away from my husband. 我将被看做是一个没有廉耻的东西,假造出这么一回事,来同我丈夫脱离关系。
- When you take the liberty of calling me mean or base, or anything of that sort, you are an impudent beggar. 要是你竟敢说我卑鄙、龌龊这一类的话,那你就是一个大胆无耻的叫化子。
- Ms Japan: Male organs in our country are like an impudent politian in Japanese government! 问:日本小姐,请形容贵国男性的性器官。
- The workman who was called in to inactivate the air conditioning was an impudent fellow. 被叫来使空调停止转动的工人是一个粗鲁的家伙。
- Ms Spain: Male organs in our country are like an impudent politian in Japanese government! 日本小姐:日本男性器官象日本政府的无耻政客!
- Belle herself presented a prosperous appearance when glimpsed occasionally in her closed carriage driven by an impudent yellow negro. 如果有人偶尔朝那辆由一名粗鲁的黄种黑人赶着的马车里看上一眼,便会发现贝尔本人也是很阔绰的。
- Instead, a robed figure stood there, at the top of a ramp extended like an impudent tongue from the side of the Sentinels' ship. 一段斜坡伸展出来,就好像哨兵之船的侧面冒冒失失地吐出一根舌头。坡顶上站着一个身穿长袍的身影。
- An impudent young fellow. 可鄙的人厚颜无耻的年轻小伙子
- These verbs are compared as they mean to put oneself forward and intervene in the affairs of others when unasked to do so and often in an impudent or indiscreet manner. 当这些动词指某人未经要求就介入或插手别人的事,并且通常是以一种鲁莽或不礼貌的方式时对他们加以比较。
- I remember.there was an impudent mountebank who sold pills which(as he told the country people)were very good against an earthquake(Joseph Addison. 假内行,庸医,骗子精心制作或制造欺骗的人,而且对自己的技术或知识常常夸大其辞的人;
- This was an impudent and unwary observation given that the adjoining three columns were packed with letters from readers united in regret at Diana's passing. 这个结论是如此傲慢,不谨慎,以致在接下来的三期中载满了因对黛安娜之死感到惋惜而产生共鸣的读者的来信。
- An impudent, saucy person. 鲁莽之人鲁莽无礼、冒失的人
- "It is an impudent falsity! "厚脸皮,撒谎!
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。