- He knew that Karl could be an implacable foe. 他明白卡尔可能会成为他的死敌。
- Have an implacable hatred for... 对。。。深恶痛绝
- an implacable battle 难平息的战斗
- From then on they put her under an implacable watch. 上全鸡、金鸭、全鱼等整形菜,不能把头尾朝向正主位。
- He was an implacable enemy of image worship and also fought to stop the infiltration of Christian ideas into the Samaj. 他是一个偶像崇拜的不安静敌人,也极力反对把基督教思想渗透入梵志会。
- For other practitioners, the law seems to hover as an implacable source of authority. 为其它实习者, 法律似乎盘旋作为难宽恕的源泉的当局。
- But now she needed a man, and not just any man: one with an implacable will and nerves of iron. 但是现在她需要一个男人,不是普通的男人,而是必须有钢铁意志和过人胆识的男人。
- Further,we seek to limit the corrosive and coercive efforts that preponderant military capabilities would have in the hands of an implacable adversary. 另外,我们还力图限制一个死敌一旦掌握了优势军事能力之后所施加的侵蚀性的和胁迫性的影响。
- Over time, an implacable anger spread through the Democratic Caucus, and my colleagues would carefully record every slight and abuse meted out by the GOP. 我的同僚们仔细小心的记录下共和党人的每处把柄。
- Further, we seek to limit the corrosive and coercive efforts that preponderant military capabilities would have in the hands of an implacable adversary. 另外,我们还力图限制一个死敌一旦掌握了优势军事能力之后所施加的侵蚀性的和胁迫性的影响。
- The battle finally brought the war to an end. 这一仗使这场战争终告结束。
- Indeed, locating knowledge and truth within a communal set of practices and engagements, they evince an implacable opposition to epistemological methodology generally. 事实上,在一系列做法和接触内寻找真理,他们通常激愤地表现出反对认识论的态度。
- The Iranian regime considers America an implacable foe and routinely denounces it, in political speeches and organised rituals such as those fiery Friday prayers, as the Great Satan or “the Global Arrogance”. 伊朗政府一直视美国为大敌,在政治演讲和火药味十足的周五礼拜等活动中,美国一直被称为“撒旦”或“世界傲慢”。
- He now almost reproached himself for not having put those formidable questions, before which he had recoiled, and from which an implacable and definitive decision might have sprung. 这些可怕的问题,当时他是退缩不敢提,这些问题本可能会使他得出一个毫不容情的一刀两断的决定,他此刻几乎埋怨自己没有把它提出来。
- The environmental news plays an implacable role in coordinating the relationship between human beings and nature, protecting the balance of ecosystem, promoting the development of the society. 它对协调人与自然的关系、保护生态系统平衡、推进社会发展发挥着不可替代的作用。
- He was a celebrity, sometimes a self-parody, a hearty friend, an implacable foe, a man of large faith and large flaws, a melancholy character who persevered, drank deeply and sang loudly. 他也是一个真挚热情的朋友,一个不可阻挡的对手,一个信心十足、缺点明显的男人;他性格忧郁,坚忍不拔,大口喝酒,放声歌唱。
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。