- "Certainly an impecunious Subaltern was not a catch" (Rudyard Kipling). “一文不名的陆军中尉当然不值得去俘获”(鲁边亚德·基辅林)。
- Cecil Fridjohn, my father, came from an impecunious Irish Jewish family. 塞西尔菲利约翰,我的父亲,来自无犯罪记录的爱尔兰犹太家庭。
- From Bow even unto Hammersmith there draggled a dull, wretched vapour, like the wraith of an impecunious suicide come into a fortune immediately after the fatal deed. 3这条雾带里充斥着肮脏的水蒸气,给人留下一种穷鬼悲惨死去后阴魂久久不散的感觉。
- Her father was an English aristocrat. 她的父亲曾是英国贵族。
- Certainly an impecunious Subaltern was not a catch 一文不名的陆军中尉当然不值得去俘获
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 这种使用颜色的手法效果相当好。
- The accident put an untimely end to the party. 意外事故使聚会匆匆结束了。
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- He is by pedigree an aristocrat. 他出身贵族。
- The put on the air of an aristocrat. 他摆出一副贵族的架势。
- She spent an hour in quiet contemplation. 她静静地沉思了一个小时。
- It is often unpleasant to see an anomaly animal. 见到一只畸形动物常常会使人感到不快。
- A member of an aristocracy;an aristocrat. 贵族中的一成员;贵族
- The indication is that it is an underworld killing. 迹象表明它是下流社会的谋杀。
- Her daughter Nancy is an ewe lamb to her. 她的女儿南希是她的心肝宝贝。
- He had only an imperfect understanding of his task. 他对自己的任务只是一知半解。
- An idea popped into his mind like a flash. 他头脑里突然闪过一个念头。
- A member of an aristocracy; an aristocrat. 贵族中的一成员;贵族