- an uncomfortable and eerie stillness in the woods; an eerie midnight howl. 森林中令人不安、害怕的安静;怪诞可怕的午夜嚎叫。
- an eerie midnight howl. 怪诞可怕的午夜嚎叫。
- When Oman's oil runs out and natural-gas flares no longer cast an eerie midnight glow on the dunes near the Lekhwair oil fields, the government hopes that farming, fishing, and mining industries will be strong enough to sustain Oman's economic progress. 当阿曼的油气资源耗尽的时候,列克威油田上再也不会有天然气燃烧的诡异火焰照耀沙丘的夜晚,政府希望耕种、业和矿业的发展能够在将来维持阿曼的经济。
- An eerie parallel seems to be at work. 不堪的历史似乎即将重演。
- An eerie wind blew through the assembled throng. 一阵奇异的风吹过拥挤的人群。
- That old house is an eerie place even in the day. 那栋老屋即使在白天也有一种种秘可怖的气氛。
- An eerie spirit that brings chills to the living. 一个阴森的精神带来了寒颤,以生活。
- An eerie blue light shone throughout the room. 诡异的蓝光照耀着整个房间。
- The clouds cast a shadow and gave everything an eerie light. 乌云投下的阴影使万物都罩上了一层可怕的光芒。
- And the music of the fluttering birds had an eerie lilt to it. 飞鸟的歌声听着也有点瘆人。
- There were no families wailing. Just an eerie silence. 没有人在号啕大哭。只是死一般的寂静。
- But now the place is deserted, filled only with an eerie silence. 但现在,这地方已废弃,只剩一片可怕的沉寂。
- That night we heard an eerie sound as we were playing cards. 那晚我们玩牌时听到了奇怪的声音。
- Churning mist adds an eerie ambiance to your Halloween table. 搅动的薄雾给你的万圣节餐桌添加了一种奇异的气氛。
- An eerie symbiosis of human and machine effort is also starting to evolve. 一种怪诞可怕的人机共生现象也已开始出现。
- An eerie world, Geonosis is marked by spectacular yet uninviting vistas. 吉诺西斯是个神秘的世界,但外表看来并无特别之处。
- Suddenly it was over.The quietness felt unnatural and an eerie,uneasy feeling gripped us. 突然间,风停了,寂静得令人感到不自然。我们的心里充满恐惧和不安。
- The sky had an eerie yellow-orange hue, with the sun glowing behind a peculiar haze. 天空呈现出怪诞的橘黄色调,太阳隐在一层奇异的雾霭后透出昏黄的光晕。
- Making use of magnets and iron filings, the Quays create an eerie frosting on a Christmas scene. 奎氏兄弟使用磁铁和铁屑为圣诞节场景制作了一层怪异的霜。