- But this etheric body is still under the influence of an astral body which has not yet escaped from its protecting sheath. 但此刻,影响“生命体”的“星芒体”仍处在保护壳中,尚未“出生”。
- Astral Plane Surface Skin: The surface skin of an astral plane. 星体层表皮:一个星体层的表面皮肤。
- Ecto Puppet. You directly control an astral construct. 星质傀儡:你可以立即控制一个星质构装体。
- I kept pulling and my astral body soon buzzed free of the physical. 我继续拉,我的星体躯体很快嗡嗡作响地离开了肉身。
- The dizzy sensation comes from the astral body loosening. 这种晕眩感来自星体躯体的松动。
- If you miss the conscious exit from your body you are technically having a lucid dream, not an astral projection as you have become aware after separation. 如果你错过了有意识地离开你的身体,从技术上讲,你正在做一个清醒的梦,而不是分离后的有意识的星体投射。
- This terrible disorder may be caused by a dislocation of the astral body? 这种可怕的紊乱会是由星体躯体的错位引起的吗?
- an astral body 星星
- This should put enough pressure on the astral body to complete the projection. 为完成投射,应该对星体躯体施加足够压力。
- As you approach it in this way, your subconscious mind will be tricked into creating an astral realm exactly like the poster. 当你这样向它靠近时,这会诱使你的潜意识创造一个与招贴画完全一样的星体王国。
- An astral dreadnought is as large as a strom giant,covered from head to tail in layers of thick,spiked plates. 一只星界巨舰兽看起来象是一个巨大的风暴巨人,它全身上下都覆盖着带有尖刺的厚实皮层。
- The astral body lacks energy and so does not have clear enough impressions of its journey. 星体躯体缺乏能量,并对它的旅行没有足够清晰的印象。
- Lucid dreaming is more similar to an astral projection than to an OOBE, as time and reality are distorted. 清醒的梦与脱体经验相比,更类似于星体投射,因为时间和现实都是扭曲的。
- Your astral body will be loose in the trance state, so try lifting your astral arms and legs out, one at a time. 你的星体躯体会在恍惚状态中松动,因此尝试抬起你的星体胳膊和腿,一次抬起一条。
- If you do take control though, you cannot return to the real world and function as an astral form in it. 如果你确实能够控制,但你却无法回到现实世界,并且不能以星体躯体在现实世界中活动。
- The paralysis, vibrations and the huge feeling are symptoms of the energy body expanding and the astral body loosening. 麻痹、振动和扩张的感觉是能量体扩张和星体躯体松动的征兆。
- A silver cord visibly trails 5 feet behind an astral traveler before fading into the astral medium. 银线在褪色成为星界物质前会在一个星界旅行者身后留下5英尺的明显痕迹。
- Once you are in the trance state, projection on the astral body is relatively easy. 一旦你处于恍惚状态,星体投射就相当容易。
- An astral dreadnought does not speak or otherwise communicate.It simply consumes its prey,then continues its silent patrol 0of the Astral Plane. 星界巨舰兽不会说话或者与人沟通。它简单的将猎物消化后,便继续在星界位面继续它那无声的巡游。
- This being the case, I developed a projection technique that does NOT depend on visualisation to exert pressure on the astral body to separate. 正是出于这个原因,我开发了一种投射技巧,并不需要依赖于观想来对星体躯体施加压力以使它分离。