- A motorcycle carrying two European sergeants raced past at a frantic speed, followed by an armoured car which advanced majestically, hooting like a soul in torment all the way along the road. 一辆摩托脚踏车,坐着两个西捕,发疯似的在路上驰过。 接着又是装甲汽车威风凛凛地来了,鬼叫一样的喇叭声,一路不停地响着。
- Yes. But this one is an armoured vehicle. 对。不过,这一辆是装甲车。
- an armoured car 装甲车
- The airfield is ringed with armoured cars. 机场被装甲车包围了。
- Unlike the Rhino the Repressor is not considered a frontline combat vehicle,but is used as an armoured personal carrier at need. 不同于犀牛,镇压者不被视作前线作战车辆,但是可以在需要的情况下作为个人的装甲载具。
- Allied M10 Tank Destroyer no longer has an unintended accuracy penalty against moving Axis Sdkfz Armoured Cars. 盟军M10坦克歼击车在攻击轴心国美洲豹时不再受到不必要的精度惩罚。
- Panzer Elite 222 Armoured Car gets 30 health bonus when receiving any first level veterancy. 装甲精英222装甲车在获得第一级老练时,获得30点生命值加成。
- Furthermore the game calculates structural losses of an armour plate if it is hit multiple times. 游戏还有另外一项设计,就是装甲如果遭受太多次攻击也会损坏。
- Their attack was also supported by tanks and armoured cars. 他们的进攻还得到坦克和装甲车的支援。
- Armoured cars were sent ahead of the main body of the division lo spot enemy troop movements. 在师主力部队之前先行派出装甲车去侦察敌军的活动。
- The air support was directed with great precision by a Luftwaffe forward air controller in an armoured halftrack with the attack troops. 空中支援由乘坐一辆半履带装甲车的空军前线观察员来精确引导。
- An Armour Factory provides the highest quality of armour to new and retrained units. 盔甲工厂可以为军队提供更为精良的盔甲。
- The car would be an armoured version of the Soviet-era Lada and would be equipped with night vision equipment, Vedomosti quoted a source close to the Kremlin as saying. 新车将是苏联时期拉达车的装甲版,将配备夜视装备,纪事报引述接近克里姆林宫消息人士的话说。
- Sixteen sheep, divided into 4 groups, were kept in tanks, and a cannon was used to fire an armour piercing shell to the tank. 将 16只绵羊平均分为 4组布放在坦克内 ,用火炮发射破甲弹攻击坦克。
- After the rioting an armoured personnel carrier with helmeted troops on top cruised through Lhasa, displaying a red banner that read “religious activities must keep to the law”. 在暴动过后,武装的部队开始在拉萨巡逻,展示着一条红色辐条:“宗教活动必须服从法律”。
- We can guarantee the punctual arrival of the armoured cars in foggy weather. 雾天我们能保证装甲车准时到达。
- A Serpent in the course of its wanderings came into an armourer's shop. 一条毒蛇蜿蜒游进军械师的商店。
- While the early armed SS units were predominantly infantry, by the late 1930s the first specialist armoured car, motorcycle, artillery, engineer and communications units started to be formed. 早期的党卫队武装部队是些优秀的步兵,但是到了30年代末最早的专业装甲车、摩托车、大炮、工兵和通讯单位开始形成。
- But the armoured cars could not keep pace with the camels and were quick to bog down over long stretches in the desert. 但这些装甲车无法与骆驼保持协同速度,而且在沙漠里开的距离过长就很快会出现问题。
- I just want an ordinary car without the frills. 我只要一辆没有多余装饰的普通汽车。