- an Olympic silver medal winner 获奥运会银牌的运动员
- An Olympic silver medal is a remarkable achievement for one so young. 对一个如此年轻的人来说,获得奥运会银牌是个了不起的成就。
- As for PAP's buying of an Olympic silver medal, it's shameful, especially when there is no welfare money for poor, sick or elderly Singaporeans. 其它国家是有进口运动员,但没有一个国家有如新加坡这般,一边抛弃国人(尤其是那些已无法继续贡献的),一边把外国人当宝贝!
- He's an Olympic silver medallist. 他是奥运会银牌得主。
- Back for an Olympic medal winner on the podium, his right arm held high, hands holding Laurel Corolla, background designs for the stadium and the Acropolis. 奖牌背面为一名奥运冠军站在领奖台上,右臂高高举起,手上握着月桂花冠,背景图案为体育场和雅典卫城。
- Romanian Mirosoviki, silver medal winner for the overall championships, made a big mistake and only managed sixth place. 本届锦标赛女子个人全能银牌得主罗马尼亚的米洛索维奇出现大失误,只获第六名。
- Las Leonas (Argentina's national women's team) conquered the World Hockey Cup in 2002 and the Olympic silver medal in 2000, as well as bronze in 2004 and 2008. 猛狮队(也可翻译为母狮)是阿根廷国家女子曲棍球队,该队征服了2002年曲棍球世界杯赛,并且收获了2000年奥运会银牌以及2004年与2008年两枚奥运会铜牌。
- Impeccable pure, inarticulate gorgeous and that is an Olympic silver rhyme to bring you, silver is the darling of fashion is also a frequent visitor noble home. 无可挑剔的纯净、难以言喻的华丽,就是这一款奥韵银所要带给您的,银色是时尚的宠儿,也是高尚家居的常客。
- PANG JIAYING won 4 golds and 2 silvers in swimming at the 2006 Asian Games. She also won an Olympic silver in 2004 in the 4200 freestyle relay. 庞佳颖于2006年亚运会赢得四枚游泳比赛金牌,两枚银牌。她也在2004年的奥运会四人接力自由式比赛中赢得一枚银牌。
- She won an Olympic gold medal in swimming. 她获得奥林匹克游泳金牌。
- The Schroeder-led U.S. Team won two Olympic silver medals, finishing second to Yugoslavia in both 1984 and 1988. 在施罗德为首的美国队夺得奥运银牌,精加工第二南斯拉夫在1984年和1988年。
- She obtained an Olympic gold medal. 她获得一枚奥林匹克金牌。
- The Analysis on Chinese Elite Athlete's Pre-competition Training--The Thinking and Discussion on Silver Medal Winner 浅析我国优秀田径运动员大赛前的训练--兼对九运会十项全能亚军赵磊的赛前训练剖析
- We cherished the hope of winning an Olympic medal. 我们对获得一枚奥运奖牌抱有希望。
- His dream is to compete for an Olympic medal. 他的梦想是赢得奥运会冠军。
- Japanese-American Apolo Anton Ohno, a two-time Olympic gold medal winner and a short-track sensation, is an audience favorite. 日裔美籍选手阿波罗?安东?欧诺曾经两度赢得奥运金牌,是短道比赛好手,深受观众喜爱。
- They won the silver medal at the Barcelona Olympic Games. 她们曾在巴塞罗那奥运会上获得过银牌。
- an Olympic bronze medal winner 奥林匹克铜牌得主
- Try for a scholarship,an Olympic medal,a job in the Civil Service. 力图获得奖学金、奥运会奖牌、公务员的工作。
- an Olympic gold medal winner 奥运会金牌得主