- President Clinton in 1996 returned from an Asian summit and literally went directly to the ceremony. 克林顿总统1996年总亚洲参加峰会回来就直接参加了庆典。
- I've been invited to an Asian wedding. What happens on such occasions? 我应邀参加亚洲人的婚礼。这种婚礼是如何举行的?
- Los Angeles Annual Asian Pacific Film and Video Festival. 美国落衫机亚洲、太平洋电影电视节。
- Eat an Asian Pear and you will live forever. 吃一亚洲梨,生活到老不用愁。
- Used as a disparaging term for an Asian person. 东方佬用于对亚洲人的蔑称
- An Asian is a person born or living in Asia. 亚洲人是指出生或居住在亚洲的人。
- Usha, whose best was an Asian Games gold. 她的最好成绩是亚运会冠军。
- Rice is a main part of an Asian's diet. 米饭是亚洲人日常饮食中最主要的一环。
- Not in the Pacific Rim. an asian may not have a driver's license; he may leave his american Express card on his dresser. But he never leaves home without his business cards. 并不是整个环太平洋区国家都是这样。一个亚洲人可以没有驾驶证,可以把信用卡忘在梳妆台上,但是,他绝不会把名片忘在家里。
- They agree to meet in November in Hanoi at the meeting of the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation Group. 双方同意11月在河内举行的亚太经济合作会议组见面。
- There is currently an Asian art collection on display. 目前有亚洲艺术品的展览。
- Peter married an Asian girl. --Is that so? Who's she? 彼得娶了一个亚洲姑娘。--真的吗?她是谁?
- To add richness and body to a blend, Asian Pacific coffees such as Sumatra, Sulawesi, Java, East Timor, New Guinea and Ethiopian Yirgacheffe are used. 要在拼配中增加口感和余味,可使用亚太地区的咖啡例如苏门达腊,苏拉维西,爪哇,东帝汶,新几内亚和埃赛俄比亚的耶加雪啡。
- See from his face, he looks like an Asian more than a westerner. 从面孔上看并不太像西方人,倒是更像我们亚洲人。
- The Asian Pacific Life Insurance Congress attracted thousands of overseas delegates. 此外,The Asian Pacific Life Insurance Congress也吸引了数以千计的海外代表参加。
- President Eric Ng attended the Asian Pacific American Heritage Month Celebration hosted by Justice Doris Ling-Cohan. 伍锐贤主席出席由凌德丽法官举办的亚太美裔传统月庆祝晚会。
- It is applicable to the inspection of Lateritic-Nickel-Ore in Asian Pacific area. 适用于亚洲和泛太平洋地区的氧化镍矿(俗称红土镍矿)检验工作。
- The Industry Standards are applicable to all the members of the Asian Pacific Organization for Lateritic-Nickel-Ore. 该检验标准适用于亚太地区红土镍矿合作组织成员。
- My next launch window for an Asian trip isn't until school is over in July. 我下次去亚洲旅行的合适时机是在7月学校放假之后。
- To showcase to the English speaking world the best of the Asian Pacific region research, medicine, products and services on sleep. 向英语世界展示亚太地区最优秀的睡眠研究、睡眠医学、睡眠产品和服务的成果。