- Method for determining amylose content of fresh rice sample. 水稻籽粒鲜样品的直链淀粉含量测定方法。
- The effect on amylose content was mainly additive effect of Glu-D, locus. 对直链淀粉含量的作用表现为以1D的加性效应为主;
- The arrowroot had the highest amylose content among the rhizome (tuber) crops. 葛郁金在根茎类作物中的直链淀粉含量最高。
- Amylose content measured with enzymology was 7.8 and 11.2%for amaranth and quinoa starch respectively. 酶法测得苋菜籽淀粉和昆诺阿黎籽淀粉中直链淀粉的含量分别是7.;8%25和11
- SSNM also decreased amylose content, gelatinization temperature and protein content, but increased gel consistency. 实地氮肥管理还明显降低了直链淀粉含量,提高了胶稠度,降低了糊化温度和蛋白质含量。
- It was found that progeny populations with middling amylose content possessed better cooking andeating quality. 直链淀粉含量为中等水平的后代具有较好的食味品质。
- Finally, the major factors affecting the quality of rice are chalkiness, unperfect rice rate and amylose content. 最后研究得出垩白度、不完善粒和直链淀粉等指标是影响稻谷品质的主要因素。
- Estimate their agriculture characters such as kilo-grain weightiness, small section yield amylose content and so on. 测定等基因背景各对组合的直链淀粉含量、千粒重、小区产量及其它农艺性状。
- Results show as follows:Amylose content gradually decreases from the inner part to the outer part of a wheat endosperm. 研究结果表明,小麦胚乳中,越接近皮层的部位,直链淀粉含量越低;越接近麦心的部位直链淀粉含量越高。
- Results showed that wheat flour near the outer part of wheat endosperm had lower amylose content and lower viscosity. 研究结果表明:直链淀粉含量和粘度值在胚乳中分布有越靠近皮层越低或越弱的趋势。
- A method for determination of amylose content in rice was established and validated by using Danmark FOSS FIAstar-5000 with SoFIA operation software. 利用流动注射分析仪;建立了测定稻米直链淀粉含量标准曲线;并进行分析验证.
- The results showed that there was great difference of the RVA pasting parameter and DSC thermal properties with the increase of amylose content. 结果表明:随直链淀粉含量的增加,淀粉的RVA糊化参数和DSC热力学参数有很大差异。
- Still further, the heterosis for amylose content, gel consistency and length/width were also influenced by environment in great extent. 此外,环境对直链淀粉含量、胶稠度和长宽比的杂种优势有较大的影响。
- Both endosperm heterosis and maternal heterosis existed in amylose content, gel consistency, alkali digestion value and grain weight. 直链淀粉含量、胶稠度、碱消值和粒重既具有胚乳杂种优势,又具有母体杂种优势;
- Amylose content was controlled by seed genetic effects and maternal genetic effects, but was mainly controlled by seed dominance genetic effects. 直链淀粉含量同时受到种子遗传效应和母体植株遗传效应的控制,但以种子显性遗传效应为主。
- Matsue Y.Differences in amylose content,amylographic characteristics and storage proteins of grain on primary and second aryrachis branches in rice. 朱红梅;荣湘民;刘强;彭建伟.;不同基因型水稻籽粒蛋白质含量差异的研究
- The apparent amylose content (AAC) is one of the important parameters to affect the cooking and processing characteristics. 大米的直链淀粉含量是影响大米蒸煮和加工特性的最重要因素之一,常被用作蒸煮米质构特性评价指标。
- The results showed that amylose content, amylopectin content and total starch content increased continuously during grain filling stage. 结果表明,适当增加施氮量,可提高高淀粉高粱品种总淀粉含量和支链淀粉含量。
- The application of potassium fertilizer decreased the amylose content, while the content of amylopectin and starch increased, especially for the middle level of potassium. 增施钾肥,面粉中直链淀粉含量下降,而支链淀粉和总淀粉含量显著上升,因此直/支链淀粉含量比例显著下降,但以中钾条件下支链淀粉和总淀粉含量最高。
- Three kinds of condition were selected in this experimental study on the pre-treatment of milled rice for detecting amylose content by using CCMA method. 利用3种前处理方式,对采用CCMA法进行直链淀粉检测的结果进行了比较和分析。