- ampullar bony crura 壶腹骨脚
- bony crura 骨脚
- A protective covering of bony plates or scales. 护身甲壳保护骨盘或介壳的覆盖层
- A small, abnormal bony outgrowth. 骨赘,骨刺畸变的骨质小赘疣
- A bony growth on the surface of a bone or tooth. 外生骨疣骨或牙齿表面上的骨质生长
- Composed of, containing, or resembling bone; bony. 骨状的,多骨的由骨组成的、含骨的或象骨的; 多骨的
- The armadillo has a protective shell of bony plates. 犰狳有角质鳞片的护甲。
- Bony prominences are padded with cotton sheeting. 要在骨头突起处垫上大片棉花。
- The bony outer projection of this joint. 肘关节骨这个关节骨头向外的凸出部分
- This adenocarcinoma arose in the ampulla of Vater. 此图所示的是壶腹部的腺癌。
- Hygienic standard for inland navigation deluxe cru. 内河豪华旅游船卫生标准。
- One of the most consistent Cru Bourgeois. 可说是表现最稳定的中级酒庄。
- Emails from CRU and the War On Humanity.Wake up ! CRU被黑的电邮和那人性的战争,醒啦!
- The secretary is a tall and bony man. 秘书是个又高又瘦的男子。
- Strong and lithe, neither bony nor flabby. 强壮并柔软,既不瘦骨嶙峋也不显得松驰。
- The bony ridge extending over the eye. 眉延伸于眼睛上弓的骨骼突出的隆起
- The upper bony ridge of the human nose. 鼻梁人鼻的上端骨质梁架
- Inflammation of bone or bony tissue. 骨炎骨或骨状组织的发炎
- The ampulla comprises about half of the oviductal length. 壶腹约占输卵管全长的一半。
- Yes. He was bony a few months ago. 发现了。几个月前他骨瘦如柴。