- Hydrochloric acid, Yean, ammonia water. 盐酸,液氨,氨水。
- Computation ammonia in ammonia water percentage. 计算氨在氨水中的百分比。
- The soil and water mixture separates. 土和水的混合物能够分离。
- She rolled out the flour and water mixture to make bread. 她把面粉和水和成的面团擀好来做面包。
- Antitussive experiments in mice with cough induced by ammonia water. 祛痰作用采用小鼠肺酚红排泌法;
- The sand and water mixture functions like a liquid and you start to sink. 沙子和水的混合物作用下就像是一种液体并且你开始下沉。
- A new EOS for ammonia water system based on triparameter cubic equation is proposed. 本文提出一个以三参数立方型方程为基础的氨水体系状态方程。
- Production : monomer boron, Danhuapeng, boron anhydride, without detectable; Hydrochloric acid, Yean, ammonia water. 生产:单体硼,氮化硼,硼酐,无水硼砂;盐酸,液氨,氨水。
- The dimethylsulfoxide and water mixture was separated in a laboratory distillation tower. 在间歇精馏实验装置中,研究了二甲基亚砜和水的精馏分离。
- This incident, antifreeze, ammonia water and the absence of a stipulation in the contract, therefore no breach. 而本事件中,防冻剂、氨水的问题在合同中并没有约定,因此也谈不上违约。
- The process flow was designed and experimentally studied for separation of acetone, tetrahydrofuran( THF), triethylamine and water mixture. 对丙酮、氢呋喃、乙胺、混合物的分离进行了工艺流程设计和实验研究。
- The kinds and methods of wood stain were expounded, and the experiments on wood stain for natural and artificial larch wood treating with ammonia water were conducted. 论述了木材着色种类与方法,并针对天然林落叶松和人工林落叶松实木进行药品着色试验,亦即氨水处理试验。
- With some special techniques CWM-FBC technology can burn various coal water mixture with high combustion efficiency and good operation stability. 实验表明,该工艺可以在较高的燃烧效率下稳定地燃用不同等级,不同水份和不同粒度组成的煤水混合物。
- ATM is a white crystalline power,easily effloresce in air,Slightly soluble in water,Soluble in ammonia water and alkalies. 四钼酸铵为白色结晶性粉末,在空气中易风化,微溶于水,溶于碱和氨水。
- It is confident that CWM-FBC technology will find its great value in utilizing various coal water mixture produced by industrial branches. 因此,煤水混合物燃烧技术在处理和利用各工业部门排放的煤水混合物方面有良好的应用前景。
- Ultrafine copper powder was prepared using hydrazine hydrate as reducing agent and ammonia water as the complexing agent. 以氨水作为络合剂,使用水合肼作为还原剂制备超细铜粉,通过正交实验确定最优工艺。
- The process flow was designed and experimentally studied for separation of acetone,tetrahydrofuran(THF) ,triethylamine and water mixture. 对丙酮、四氢呋喃、三乙胺、水混合物的分离进行了工艺流程设计和实验研究。
- The primary factors of influence on gelatin time and gluing strength are ammonium persulfate, temperature, cupric chloride and ammonia water. 影响硫木素凝胶时间和胶结强度的主要因素依次为过硫酸按、温度、氯化铜、氨水;
- The separation of ethanol/ water mixture system via pervaporation with the cross - linked PVA - MA membrane containing alkali - metal salt was studied. 研究了含碱金属盐PVA-MA交联膜对乙醇-水混合物的分离性能。
- Use ammonia water, mineral next or uric fluid daub is stung place, usable also cold water soaks towel apply to be in in the injury, reduce gall. 然后用氨水、苏打水或者尿液涂抹被蜇伤处,也可用冷水浸透毛巾敷在伤处,减轻肿痛。