- ammonia stripping tower 氨吹脱塔
- Analyzes the design defects of ammonia condenser in SNAM ammonia stripping process urea plant and provides the improvement methods. 剖析斯那姆氨汽提法尿素生产装置中氨冷凝器的设计缺陷,提出改进措施。
- The feature of ammonia stripping process is anal-ized based on current condition of urea production. Measures to treat typical problems in real production are put forward. 根据国内现有氨气提工艺尿素装置的生产状况,分析了该工艺的特点,提出了实际应用中典型问题的处理措施。
- Wastewater discharged from stripping tower, containing highly concentrated phenol and COD, can bump against wastewater treatment plant. 炼油厂汽提废水因含有较高浓度的酚和COD,会对污水处理场产生冲击;
- In the production process of urea by SNAM ammonia stripping method,the effect of level control of Mpabsorter(C101) will directly influence the success of start-up. 在SNAM氨汽提法尿素生产工艺中,中压吸收塔(C-101)液位控制的好坏直接影响开车的成败。
- Sewage discharged from stripping tower, containing high strength phenol content, can bump against wastewater treatment plant. 炼油厂汽提废水含较高浓度的酚,会对污水处理场产生冲击。
- An analysis is made of the corrosion of the ammonium carbamate condenser(E104) in the ammonia stripping urea process, and relevant corrosion preventive measures are proposed. 本文就氨气提尿素工艺中甲铵冷凝器(E104)的腐蚀问题进行了剖析,提出相应防腐措施。
- A detailed review is also given on the choice of the stripping tower - the critical equipment of the process.Problems enc... 文内对气提塔的结构进行了探讨,并指出本流程中存在的问题与改进途径。
- By chemical cleaning process,the biuret scale and fouling of stripping tower were removed;and the operation is safe and high efficiency. 通过化学清洗彻底清除气提塔内的油垢、污垢等,使其安全、高效生产运行。
- The application of antifoaming agents in the desorption of VCM in the degassing tank and the stripping tower for the production of SPVC were indicated in detail. 具体指出了消泡剂在生产SPVC过程中于脱气槽及汽提塔内脱吸VCM方面的应用情况。
- The stripping tower was revamped with the structure packings 500Y and internals by optimization selecting.Smooth process had been realizing since revamping scheme was implemented. 优选500Y规整填料及相关内件对原塔进行了改造,实现了装置的稳定运行。
- The retrofit is given of the prilling basket, second stage evaporation separator and control valve for pressure in the hydrolysis system in a urea unit based on the ammonia stripping process. 介绍氨气提法尿素装置的造粒喷头、二段蒸发水离器及分解系统压力控制阀的改造情况。
- LV 09202 is a key valve in the ammonia stripping process for urea production of Snam Company,Italy.In the course of production,urea system has often to shutdown because of the failure of this valve. 09202是斯纳姆公司的氨汽提尿素工艺中的关键阀门,在生产过程中常因该阀出故障引起尿素系统停车。
- The purpose of polymethylene polyphenyl polyamines purification system is to get rid of anilin and water.The stripping tower and drying tower are two main separation units in the system. 多胺精制系统的任务是脱除粗多胺中的苯胺和水,针对现有工艺存在的精制效果差、消耗高等问题,分别对影响汽提塔和干燥塔的因素进行了模拟分析,提出了相应的改进措施。
- The installation of level gauge used for urea stripping tower,the structure and forming of radioactive rod source,and the calculation of its approximate linear graduation are described. 介绍了尿素汽提塔液位计的安装方式、棒状源的结构、源的组合形式,及近似线性刻度计算。
- Snamprogetti ammonia stripping process 斯那姆氨汽提
- modification of ammonia stripping system 蒸氨改造
- Application of UCS in a Single Stripping Tower UCS在单塔汽提装置中的应用
- The bell tower is the emblem of this city. 这座钟楼是这个城市的象征。