- Ammonia is a chemical substance. 氨是种化学物质。
- A reactor is a container for chemical reaction. 反应器是进行化学反应的容器。
- Ammonia is a colorless gas with strong smell. 氨是无色并有强烈气味的气体。
- Our first atomic reactor was built in1958. 我们第一个原子反应堆建于1958年。
- The reactor was built for tame atomic energy use. 这座反应堆是为原子能的安全使用而建造的。
- ammonia reactor 氨合成塔
- An undamaged nuclear reactor; undamaged feelings. 未毁坏的核反应堆; 未受伤害的感情
- In some ways, an hydrous ammonia is just as Safe to handle as gasoline. 在某种程度上,无水氨使用起来和汽油一样安全。
- A damaged reactor leaking radioactivity into the atmosphere. 一座损坏的反应堆向大气中泄露出发射性物质
- Tests of the manure showed a high ammonia content. 这种肥料经过化验表明氨的含量很高。
- Dilute the ammonia with water before you use it. 使用氨之前用水稀释它。
- The smelling of ammonia brought himaround. 嗅氨使他恢复了意识。
- She diluted the ammonia with water. 她用水稀释氨水。
- Ammonia has a pungent, penetrating odor. 氨具有一种强烈的刺鼻的气味。
- The ammonia froze into bright crystals. 是氨冻结后生成的明亮晶体。
- The first explosion tore the reactor vault apart. 第一次爆炸将反应堆的屏蔽室炸飞了。
- Ammonia is a very reactive chemical. 氨是很活泼的化合物。
- They will react with ammonia to form amidines. 它们与氨反应形成脒。
- There are four major steps in ammonia synthesis. 氨的合成主要经过四道工序。
- That the nuclear reactor burnt in Chernobyl brought Russian a crop of misfortunes. 切尔诺贝利核反应堆爆炸给苏联人带来许多灾难。